Race and Gender Disparities in Capitally-Charged
Louisiana Homicide Cases, 1976-2014


Tim Lyman, Frank R. Baumgartner, and Glenn L. Pierce

Southern University Law Review Vol. 49, No. 1, (Fall 2021): 153-208.

Click here to read the text of the paper. (pdf).

Click here for the data associated with Figure 1. (xlsx)

Click here for a spreadsheet comparing the number of homicides and death-sentenced cases by race of offender and victim, separately for the different Judicial District Courts in Louisiana. This allows a comparison of the JDC's included in our study with the rest of the state. (xlsx)

Click here for the FBI Supplemental Homicide Reports data used in the paper (N=7908). These are all the non-justified and non-negligent homicides reported to the FBI in the study jurisdictions and years. (xlsx) Click here for the same file limited to the Black and White homicide and victim cases, a subset of the previous file used in the paper. (N = 6,512, xlsx)

Click here for the main database used in our analysis, the set of 1,822 homicides that, at some point, faced capital charges. (xlsx version) (Stata .dta version)

Click here for the Stata command file used to replicate the analysis in the paper (Stata .do file)


(Last updated, May 3, 2022 ).