
POLI / AMST/ ENGL 248 / WMST 249
Intersectionality: Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Social Justice
Fall 2021

Profs. Frank R. Baumgartner, Tanya Shields, and Heidi Kim

Main lecture: T, Th 11:00-11:50am, FedEx Global Education Center, Mandela Auditorium

Baumgartner office hours for Fall 2021: just before this class, 10-11am in the patio outside the FedEx building; zoom office hours also available by appointment.

For the syllabus and readings, please see our class Sakai page.

Note that this is a lecture class with 240 students and multiple recitation sections. Students may register under any one of the four departmental designations, but it is the same class no matter how a student might be registered. If you change your major or need to get credit for the class under a different departmental disignation, you deserve to receive credit for whatever of the four numbers best fits your academic needs. Please work with the academic advisor in your department to resolve any such issues. If they are skeptical, show them the syllabus or this web page. If they remain skeptical, ask them to contact me (Baumgartner) and I will attest to the fact that this is the same class, with four different registration numbers.

Also note that the global pandemic may require substantial and unplanned changes in the form of delivery for the class, and we will work as closely as possible with the students to keep us all safe and also to provide the educational opportunities you deserve.

page last updated August 16, 2021