
POLI 891
Mondays, 5:00-7:30pm, Hamilton 357, Spring 2011

Prof. Frank R. Baumgartner
313 Hamilton Hall, phone 962-0414
Web site: http://www.unc.edu/~fbaum/

Office hours: M, 3-5pm and by appointment

Click here for the syllabus

Readings are below [Note: I'll keep several weeks ahead on these readings and by the end of the semester all will be there.]

Week 1. Jan 10

Week 2. Jan 17 (no class, happy MLK day!

Week 3. Jan 24

Definitions from public policy, social movements, and communications

Week 4. Jan 31

Cognitive basics

Note: One-page memo due describing your term paper topic in conceptual terms and a general idea of the empirical / theoretical approach, relevant literature, and what your goals in it (article project, MA thesis idea, PhD idea).

Week 5. Feb 7

Motivated Reasoning (or why people believe things that are wrong)

Week 6. Feb 14

Applications of Motivating Reasoning Theories to Political Opinions

Note: Annotated bibliography due. This means you should have identified the key source material you are planning to use. You don't have to have read it all yet but you should have identified the likely suspects. A longer bibliography is better than a short one. No need for extensive annotations, but rather just a list of readings organized by the topics that you plan to cover.

Week 7. Feb 21

Emotion, Affect, and Opinion

Week 8. Feb 28

Public Opinion

Mar 7-11, spring break

Week 9. Mar 14

A Special Issue on Framing in Communications

Week 10. Mar 21

Sources and Credibility (or why is it so hard to reframe an issue)

Note: Detailed outline of paper due. This should include a full structure, planned cites, methods, etc. The text need not be written but the structure should be complete, in outline form. You'll be surprised how easy it is to complete the paper if you have a complete outline in the proper order.

Week 11. Mar 28

How Policy Frames Evolve Over Time

Week 12. April 4

Dissertation projects

Week 13. April 11

Week 14. April 18

Pick one of the following and we will discuss all of them based on student presentations. Each represents a dissertation-type project. Part I

Week 15. April 25 (last day of class)

Part II

Term papers due