NORWOOD-DINGELL BILL PUTS THE CARE BACK INTO HEALTH CARE -- (House of Representatives - October 06, 1999)

[Page: H9414]


   (Mrs. CHRISTENSEN asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.)

   Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, the Republican leadership and managed care companies did not tell the American public the truth about why they oppose the Norwood-Dingell bill. They said that they were concerned that medical necessity provisions went too far. But how can one argue against physicians and their patients using their trained or best judgment?

   They said that they were concerned that employers would be liable. But H.R. 2723 makes sure that businesses are protected.

   So it came down to what their opposition is really about, the accountability of managed care companies for the medical decisions that they make. Tell me, why should every other business or company be liable for negligence or damages for the products they make, and this one kind of business not be held accountable for the life and death decisions that they make, not the doctors.

   The only bill that is real managed care reform that puts the business of medicine back in the proper perspective and puts the care back into health care is the Norwood-Dingell bill. Let us pass that bill today. The American people need and want us to do that.