Today’s Health Care Check-Up: — January 27, 2000

"Employers Say They'd Cut Health Benefits Due to Liability Fears"

"More than one-third of employers in a new survey say they would probably cut off workers' health benefits if Congress passes a law allowing patients to sue managed care plans for malpractice."

-Associated Press, 1/20/00

Is this the outcome Congress wants from a "Patients' Bill of Rights?"

    • According to a survey conducted by Hewitt Associates in January, 36 percent of large employers said they would drop health coverage for their workers if Congress expands the "right" to sue.
    • Another survey conducted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in October found that 65 percent of small employers would drop coverage if an expanded "right" to sue becomes law.
    • Legal study after legal study has shown that if Congress expands the "right" to sue health plans, employers will be liable as well.

If Congress expands the "right" to sue, trial lawyers will win,

but American families and businesses will lose.

A "Patients' Bill of Rights"

Shouldn't Be a "Lawyer's Right to Bill"