Boehner "Care" Bill A Mixed Bag


September 24, 1999

CONTACT: Richard Coorsh

(202) 824-1787

The following statement was released today by Chip Kahn, President of the Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA):

Consumers and employers can take some solace that the "Comprehensive Access and Responsibility in Health Care (CARE) Act," offered today by Rep. John Boehner (R-OH), would not saddle them with higher premiums due to expanded liability. Our nation’s health care dollars should go toward providing coverage for Americans, and for improving quality – not for lining the gilded pockets of trial attorneys.

Although Rep. Boehner’s bill prudently lacks liability, it does contain certain costly mandates and a problematic provision calling for "Association Health Plans" and "HealthMarts." HIAA opposes Association Health Plans and HealthMarts because they would undermine – not enhance – the small employer market by increasing premiums for many, and causing many of them to drop their coverage because it will become too costly.

On the one hand, Rep. Boehner’s bill lacks liability, and would make coverage more affordable because it calls for an immediate, above-the-line deduction for the purchase of individual health and long-term care insurance. On the other hand, Rep. Boehner’s bill contains expensive mandates and problematic Association Health Plans and HealthMarts. All told, Rep. Boehner’s bill becomes a mixed bag of pluses and minuses for American consumers and employers.



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