CNY Congress Link

February 24, 1999
CONTACT: Jim O'Connor at (315) 423-5657


WASHINGTON -- Congressman James Walsh today praised the Clinton Administration for including $4m in the Health Resources and Services Administration budget this year for infant screening for hearing loss.

Walsh is the author of a hearing test bill whose ultimate objective would be to test all newborns for hearing loss. He has been working toward this goal for nine years.

"This is very good news and I welcome the Administration's participation in this effort," Walsh said. "Hearing loss accounts for incalculable anxiety and concern within families and untolled millions of dollars in testing to see why children aren't learning. In many instances, a hearing loss is the reason. If we can find out at birth that a child is not hearing, remediation can begin right away. A hearing aid, for instance, can be used as early as six months of age."

Walsh said his bill would not establish a federal mandate and would simply give parents options when considering how to approach a child's hearing loss. The bill would not direct a family toward one area of treatment versus another.

Walsh said he is optimistic that this will be the year his hearing bill passes. Many interest groups have supported it. "The Clinton Administration's proposed funding is a terrific compliment to the concept and expression of confidence in the cause," Walsh said. "It will help quite a bit in getting further support in Congress for my bill."


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