Bill Summary & Status for the 106th Congress


Sponsor: Rep Baldwin, Tammy(introduced 7/27/2000)
Latest Major Action: 8/31/2000 Referred to House subcommittee
Title: To guarantee for all Americans quality, affordable, and comprehensive health insurance coverage.
Jump to: Titles, Status, Committees, Related Bill Details, Amendments, Cosponsors, Summary

TITLE(S):  (italics indicate a title for a portion of a bill)
STATUS: (color indicates Senate actions)
Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
Referred to House Commerce
Referred to the Subcommittee on Health and Environment.
Referred to House Ways and Means





COSPONSORS(5), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]:     (Sort: by date)

Rep Baca, Joe - 10/26/2000 Rep Carson, Julia - 9/12/2000
Rep Conyers, John, Jr. - 9/6/2000 Rep Filner, Bob - 9/6/2000
Rep Obey, David R. - 7/27/2000



Health Security for All Americans Act - Title I: Health Security for All Americans - Expansion Phase (Phase I) - Amends the Social Security Act (SSA) to add a new title XXII (Health Security For All Americans) with a part A (Expansion Phase (Phase I) Plans) providing funds to participating States to enable them to ensure universal health insurance coverage by voluntarily establishing State administered systems which offer at least the benefits provided under the Federal Employees Health Benefits program standard Blue Cross-Blue Shield preferred provider option service benefit plan. Makes appropriations.

Title II: Health Security for All Americans - Universal Phase (Phase II) - Amends SSA title XXII to add a part B (Universal Phase (Phase II) Plans) requiring States by January 1, 2006, to establish and implement State-administered systems to ensure universal health insurance coverage equal to the benefits provided under the Federal Employees Health Benefits program standard Blue Cross-Blue Shield preferred provider option service benefit plan. Provides for funds to States for the establishment and implementation of such systems. Makes necessary appropriations.

(Sec. 202) Adds a part C (Consumer Protections) listing home care standards and providing for consumer protection: (1) in the event of termination or suspension of health services; (2) through disclosure of information regarding health care workers; and (3) through notice of changes in health care delivery.

Title III: Patient Protections - Enacts into Federal law certain provisions of H.R. 2723 of the 106th Congress, as passed the House of Representatives on October 7, 1999 and H.R. 137 of the 106th Congress, as introduced on January 6, 1999.

Title IV: Health Care Quality, Patient Safety, and Workforce Standards - Establishes within the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the Health Care Quality, Patient Safety, and Workforce Standards Institute to: (1) demonstrate how patient safety issues and workplace conditions are linked to quality patient care and the reduction of the incidence of medical errors; and (2) reduce the incidence of medical errors and improve patient safety and quality of care. Authorizes appropriations.

(Sec. 402) Establishes a Health Care Quality, Patient Safety, and Workforce Standards Committee to advise the Director of the Health Care Quality, Patient Safety, and Workforce Standards Institute.

Title V: Improving Medicare Benefits - Requires that each individual entitled to benefits under Medicare part A (Hospital Insurance) or enrolled under Medicare part B (Supplementary Medical Insurance) be provided full mental health and substance abuse treatment parity under Medicare consistent with SSA title XXII (as added by this Act).

Title VI: Long-Term and Home Health Care - Directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services to: (1) conduct studies and demonstration projects, through grant, contract, or interagency agreement, that are designed to identify model programs for the provision of long-term and home health care services; and (2) report to Congress on results.

Title VII: Miscellaneous - Makes specified provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) inapplicable to health benefits provided under a group health plan qualified to offer such benefits under an expansion phase (phase I) plan or a universal phase (phase II) plan under SSA title XXII.

(Sec. 702) Expresses the sense of Congress that any sums necessary for the implementation of this Act should be offset by: (1) general revenues available as a result of an on-budget surplus for a fiscal year; (2) direct savings in health care expenditures resulting from the implementation of this Act; and (3) reductions in unnecessary Federal tax benefits available only to individuals and large corporations in the maximum tax brackets.