Congress of the United States

House of Representatives

Washington, DC

August 2, 2000

For Immediate Release

Contact: (Baldwin) Jerilyn Goodman (202) 225-2906 (Obey) Kori Hardin (202) 225-3365

Baldwin, Obey Bill Calls for Health Care Coverage for All

Allows States to Create Their Own Plans

Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Congressman Dave Obey (D-WI) today introduced legislation in the House calling for health care coverage for all. The Health Security for All Americans Act (HSAA) (H.R. 4992) reaches the goal of covering everyone by allowing the states to decide for themselves how to provide quality, affordable, and comprehensive health care coverage for all of their residents.

"Health care for all has been, and remains, one of my primary goals," said Baldwin. "I believe this bill meets the need while allowing states maximum opportunities to create plans appropriate for them. With 45 million Americans currently uninsured and millions more 'underinsured,' the need is greater than ever. It is time to act."

"The U.S. is experiencing the greatest prosperity in our history," said Obey. "If we can't make sure that every American has access to affordable health insurance now, we will never be able to do it. We need action and we need action now."

The Health Security for All Americans Act will ensure health insurance for all. It guarantees affordable health care by limiting out-of-pocket expenses; provides comprehensive health care by guaranteeing a minimum benefit package equal to the benefits offered to Members of Congress; and ensures the quality of health care benefits by providing strong patient protections.

HSAA is a companion bill to one offered in the Senate by Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN). The bill has already been endorsed by the Service Employees International Union, the nation's largest health care union.

A two page summary of the bill follows:


A Bill for Health Care Coverage for All

Representative Tammy Baldwin (WI) and David Obey (WI)


The Health Security for All Americans Act (HSAA) (H.R. 4992) reaches the goal of health care coverage for all by allowing the states to decide for themselves how to provide quality, affordable, and comprehensive health care coverage for all of their residents. The Health Security for All Americans Act will secure health insurance for all Americans, guarantee affordable health care by limiting out-of-pocket expenses, provide comprehensive health care by guaranteeing a minimum benefit package equal to the benefits offered to Members of Congress, and ensure the quality of health care benefits by providing strong patient protections.

I. Insuring the Uninsured

A. Coverage for All with Maximum Flexibility

The Health Security for All Americans Act expands upon existing state programs by providing generous federal matching funds (enhanced FMAP) for states who act first to assure health care coverage to all children and adults with incomes up to $50,000. Then states will be required to extend that coverage to all residents under the age of 65.

B. Incentives to Participate Early

States that participate early will be rewarded with increased matching funds if they reduce the number of uninsured by 50% within two years and reach coverage for all within four years. The Act also provides funds for state outreach to enroll eligible individuals in this program as well as in existing state health programs. States will be granted flexibility in administering federal health care funds.

II. Affordable, Comprehensive Health Care

A. Protects Peoples' Incomes

The Health Security for All Americans Act provides comprehensive health care while protecting the hard-earned incomes of working families. Out-of-pocket expenses for health insurance premiums, deductibles and copayments are limited to a small percentage of a family's income, based on a progressive scale.

B. Coverage Equal to Members of Congress

The Health Security for All Americans Act ensures that people will receive health insurance that provides a minimum benefit package equivalent to the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program (FEHBP) Blue Cross/Blue Shield Standard Option Plan -- the plan that covers members of Congress. Those eligible for Medicaid will continue to receive their full Medicaid benefits.

C. Fair Share Contributions

As states design their programs, they will insure that employers and employees make their fair share contributions based on income and payroll.

D. Full Parity of Coverage for Mental Health and Substance Abuse

The Act provides for full mental health and substance abuse treatment parity -- the same benefits for mental health and substance abuse disorders as for other medical conditions--for all, including Medicare beneficiaries.

E. Limits on Administrative Expenses

The Health Security for All Americans Act requires maximizing the use of premium dollars for actual health care -- as opposed to administrative, marketing or other costs. During the first two years of operation, all plans in a state must spend at least 85% of their total premium income on covered health benefits. After two years, that amount increases to at least 90%.

III. Quality Health Care for All

The Health Security for All Americans Act incorporates the patient protection provisions of the Norwood-Dingell Patients' Bill of Rights.

Recognizing that a well-trained, appropriately compensated health care workforce is necessary for the delivery of quality care, the Act includes workforce standards that are vital for patient safety.

IV. Additional Provisions

The Act exempts health care benefits from the Employment and Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) to allow states the flexibility they need to implement the Act.

The Act funds demonstration projects for long term care and home health care.

Additional health care benefits and out-of-pocket costs can remain subject to collective bargaining.
