Photo of Marcy Kaptur Press Release
Kaptur Named National Mental Health
Association's Legislator of the Year

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) today was named “Legislator of the Year” by the National Mental Health Association for championing mental health initiatives, including legislation to help states use Medicaid to provide community based mental health services, the Juvenile Justice Mental Health Act, legislation creating a Congressional Advisory Committee on Mental Illness, and expanding insurance parity to cover mental illnesses.  Rep. Kaptur made the following statement upon receiving the award:
“I accept this award on behalf of those who every day weather the enormous burden of mental illness.  It is an honor to be here in the company of my colleagues who have worked so diligently on these issues, Rep. Jim Ramstad and Senators John Chafee and Daniel Moynihan.

“One of my personal sheroes is Dorothea Dix, a pioneering advocate who lived in Massachusetts in the last century, and I accept this award in her memory.  Because Dorothea was a fighter for the mentally ill – she saw a grave injustice and she shamed her state government into correcting it.  I also accept this award as a way of honoring the life of Tom Wernert, a champion and leader in our community for mental health who recently passed away.

“In some ways, our society has made progress comparable to Ms. Dix’ day.  But the undressed wounds of deinstitutionalization coupled with the lack of community support remain a national challenge.  I’m pleased that I was able to participate in the White House Conference on Mental Health this week.  I also want to thank the National Mental Health Association for working with Congress to bring parity into mental health coverage and supporting my initiative to create a Congressional Advisory Committee on Mental Illness.

“Over the past year, we have seen far too many examples of what happens when individuals with mental illness do not get the support they need and fall through the cracks.  That’s why I’ve joined in introducing the Mental Health Juvenile Justice Act to improve the mental health services for children who encounter the juvenile justice system.

“My goal, one that I hope you will join with me in trying to achieve, is to ensure that no child, no parent, no brother or sister, falls through the cracks any longer.

“That’s why I’m pleased to be working with you on new legislation that will permit states – with a single policy decision – to finance the entire community-based service array needed for individuals with severe mental illnesses under the Medicaid program.

“Horace Mann once said ‘Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.’

“Our victory for humanity will be the day when all people with mental illness find the support they need and don’t slip through the cracks.  We’re closer to that victory than we were a hundred years ago; we’re closer to removing the last stigma of the 20th century as we move to the new millenium.  I look forward to working with you to achieve that victory.”

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Contact: Susan DiLiddo - 202-225-4146