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Statement of Congressman Jim Moran On President Clinton's Budget Proposal

February 7, 2000

"The President's budget proposal makes sense, both for Northern Virginia and for our nation as a whole.

I am very pleased that the President has included in this budget $600 million for the replacement of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge.  Replacing this bridge is crucial to maintaining the quality of life and strong economy we enjoy here in the Greater Washington Metropolitan Area.  The President's request recognizes that the bridge is federally-owned, and is, therefore a federal responsibility.  Congress should move quickly to approve this last portion of the bridge's financing so that we can adhere to a very strict -- and rapidly approaching -- construction schedule.

This is also a good budget for federal workers and military service members.  It provides a 3.7 percent COLA to both groups, and for federal workers it contains provisions to improve the Federal Employee Health Benefit Program (FEHBP), provide mental health parity and long term care in health insurance, and encourage more young workers to enroll in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).

The President's budget also makes wise investments in our nation's research and development program.  The National Science Foundation in particular, which is located in Arlington, is slated for a 17.3 percent increase in funding (to $4.57 billion).  In addition, the President has proposed more than $2 billion to protect our information infrastructure from attack.  Northern Virginia firms are integrally involved in this work, and under the President's budget they will expand these vital efforts for our nation.  The budget will help to assure that Northern Virginia's leadership in information technologies will continue.

Finally, this is President Clinton's last budget proposal.  In handling the budget, he has repeatedly proven the cynics, skeptics, and critics wrong.  He inherited a $290 billion deficit and is now proposing a unified budget with a surplus of $167 billion.  That accomplishment, which required great courage, has fueled 107 straight months of economic growth and has put the nation on the road toward reducing the national debt.

As a member of the House Budget and Appropriations Committees, I will work to ensure that the sound and disciplined fiscal policies of this administration aren't compromised.  We are on the right track and we should stay there."

For further information, contact Paul Reagan at 202-225-4376

Congressional Seal. This is an official Web site of the United States House of Representatives.
Representative Jim Moran     2239 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515-4608
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