Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

Pelosi Announces Two Federal Grants for AIDS Programs in San Francisco

September 8, 1999

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) today announced two grant awards for AIDS programming in San Francisco. Both grants come from the Health Resources and Services Administration and are part of the Special Projects of National Significance program funded through the Ryan White CARE Act.

The University of California, San Francisco received a $275,000 grant for an evaluation of Action Points, an innovative program to help indigent people and individuals with substance abuse problems comply with AIDS drug treatment regimens.

The Mission Neighborhood Health Center received a $168,998 grant to evaluate an interdisciplinary program which integrates cultural competency, social support, and patients' belief systems to help them comply with AIDS treatment regimens.

"The programs funded today are the most recent examples of the ground-breaking work on HIV/AIDS care being done in San Francisco," Pelosi said. "These worthy studies provide further reason for increased funding for the Ryan White CARE Act, and all AIDS-related programming."

As a member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor-Health and Human Services-Education, Pelosi has made increased funding for AIDS prevention, treatment, and research her top priority.

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