Press Releases

For Immediate Release
March 2, 2000

Contact: Scott Sanders/Jeff Travers/Sandra Paul

Grassroots Coalition Advocating on Behalf of Thousands of People with HIV/AIDS Urges Swift Reauthorization of Ryan White CARE Act and Launches Campaign to Gather Senate Co-sponsors

Federal Safety Net Critical to HIV/AIDS Care and Services Across the Nation: Government Estimates over 250,000 People with HIV in US Currently Receive No Medical Treatment

As the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions began public hearings on the reauthorization of the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Relief Emergency (CARE) Act, members of the Cities Advocating Emergency AIDS Relief (CAEAR) Coalition launched a national grassroots campaign to build broad Senate support for a speedy reauthorization.

"We are visiting every Senate office this week with the message that people with HIV/AIDS depend upon the services provided by the CARE Act to extend and improve their lives," said Matthew McClain, Chair of the CAEAR Coalition. "A swift reauthorization is imperative to maintaining the care that makes the difference in so many lives."

The CAEAR Coalition also urged all Senators to co-sponsor the forthcoming Jeffords-Kennedy Ryan White CARE Act reauthorization legislation of 2000. (See attached.)

An estimated 600,000-900,000 individuals are living with HIV/AIDS in the US and, after the Medicaid program, the CARE Act represents the largest federal investment in the care and treatment of people with HIV/AIDS. The need for CARE Act services remains great: the initial HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study, sponsored by the US Public Health Service, estimates that 250,000-300,000 individuals diagnosed with HIV infection currently receive no medical treatment.

The CARE Act was first passed by Congress in 1990 and reauthorized in 1996 for five years through September 30, 2000. Since its enactment, the CARE Act has dramatically improved the quality of life of people living with HIV disease and their families, reduced use of costly inpatient care, and increased access to care for low-income, underserved populations, including people of color.

The CAEAR Coalition is a national grassroots organization advocating on behalf of people living with HIV/AIDS who rely on Title I and Title III of the CARE Act for their health care services. The coalition includes CARE Act grantees and consortia, people living with HIV/AIDS, members of Title I planning councils, and community-based AIDS service organizations.



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CAEAR Coalition
P.O. Box 21361
Washington, DC 20009-1361
Phone: 202-789-3565 Fax: 202-332-7087