June 1, 2000

Join 205 of your Bipartisan Colleagues in Supporting Health Care for Low-Income, Uninsured, and Medically Underserved Americans

Dear Colleague:

Community, migrant, homeless, and public housing health centers provide care to more than 11 million people living in America’s inner city and rural areas. Anyone, rich or poor, insured or uninsured, can receive important primary and preventive health care services at their local health centers. At a time when 1 out of every 6 Americans lacks health insurance, community health centers are vital to protect working poor families that cannot afford insurance and would have few other options to receive care in their communities.

Because of health centers’ and rural health clinics’ important roles in providing health care to medically needy communities, we introduced the Safety Net Preservation Act. This legislation would ensure that centers and clinics can continue to provide health care services to uninsured Americans who have nowhere else to turn for the care they need. By requiring that Medicaid cover a health center’s cost for providing care to Medicaid patients, this legislation would protect the 1 billion dollars in federal grants that are used to help health centers care for more than 4.5 million uninsured Americans.

No small business can survive if it is forced to sell its goods for less than costhealth centers are no different. By ensuring that health centers are paid enough for their Medicaid patients, the Safety Net Preservation Act allows them to provide care to more uninsured Americans. That is not only fair, it is also smart. Health centers save millions of dollars every year in lower emergency room costs because their patients are diagnosed and treated early.

The Safety Net Preservation Act:

Controls the cost of health care services by capping annual payment increases;

Provides incentives for health centers and clinics to become more efficient;

Protects State and Federal budgets by controlling the growth of Medicaid spending; and

Ensures that health centers can continue to provide care for poor and working uninsured Americans.

If you would like more information about this common sense, bipartisan legislation, or if you would like to cosponsor H.R. 2341, please contact Jenny Hansen (Rep. Burr-52071) or Brenda Pillors (Rep. Towns-55936).



Rep. Richard Burr (R-NC)            Rep. Ed Towns (D-NY)   

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Current Cosponsors of the Safety Net Preservation Act


Rep. Callahan

Rep. Cramer

Rep. Hilliard


Rep. Berry

Rep. Hutchinson

Rep. Dickey


Rep. Pastor

Rep. Hayworth


Rep. Thompson

Rep. Matsui

Rep. Woolsey

Rep. Pelosi

Rep. Lee

Rep. Lantos

Rep. Stark

Rep. Eshoo

Rep. Lofgren

Rep. Farr

Rep. Radanovich

Rep. Dooley

Rep. Capps

Rep. Berman

Rep. Waxman

Rep. Becerra

Rep. Dixon

Rep. Roybal-Allard

Rep. Kuykendall

Rep. Millender-McDonald

Rep. Bilbray

Rep. Filner

Rep. Cunningham


Rep. DeGette

Rep. Udall


Rep. Larson

Rep. Gejdenson

Rep. DeLauro

Rep. Shays

Rep. Maloney

Rep. Johnson

District of Columbia

Del. Norton


Rep. Brown

Rep. Thurman

Rep. Stearns

Rep. Bilirakis

Rep. Canady

Rep. Goss

Rep. Foley

Rep. Meek

Rep. Deutsch

Rep. Diaz-Balart


Rep. Bishop

Rep. McKinney

Rep. Lewis

Rep. Isakson

Rep. Chambliss

Rep. Deal

Rep. Norwood


Rep. Abercrombie

Rep. Mink


Rep. Rush

Rep. Jackson

Rep. Lipinski

Rep. Gutierrez

Rep. Blagojevich

Rep. Davis

Rep. Crane

Rep. Schakowsky

Rep. Porter

Rep. Weller

Rep. Costello

Rep. Ewing

Rep. Manzullo

Rep. Evans

Rep. LaHood

Rep. Phelps

Rep. Shimkus


Rep. Carson


Rep. Whitfield

Rep. Northup

Rep. Fletcher


Rep. Jefferson

Rep. Tauzin

Rep. John


Rep. Gilchrest

Rep. Wynn

Rep. Cummings


Rep. Olver

Rep. McGovern

Rep. Frank

Rep. Tierney

Rep. Markey

Rep. Capuano

Rep. Delahunt


Rep. Stupak

Rep. Hoekstra

Rep. Ehlers

Rep. Camp

Rep. Barcia

Rep. Upton

Rep. Stabenow

Rep. Kildee

Rep. Bonior

Rep. Conyers

Rep. Dingell


Rep. Sabo

Rep. Oberstar


Rep. Thompson

Rep. Pickering

Rep. Shows


Rep. Danner


Rep. Hill


Rep. Berkley

New Jersey

Rep. Andrews

Rep. LoBiondo

Rep. Smith

Rep. Pallone

Rep. Pascrell

Rep. Rothman

Rep. Payne

Rep. Menendez

New Mexico

Rep. Wilson

Rep. Udall

New York

Rep. Meeks

Rep. Nadler

Rep. Towns

Rep. Owens

Rep. Velazquez

Rep. Maloney

Rep. Rangel

Rep. Lowey

Rep. Kelly

Rep. Gilman

Rep. McNulty

Rep. Hinchey

Rep. Slaughter

Rep. LaFalce

North Carolina

Rep. Clayton

Rep. Etheridge

Rep. Price

Rep. Burr

Rep. McIntyre

Rep. Hayes

Rep. Watt

North Dakota

Rep. Pomeroy


Rep. Portman

Rep. Hall

Rep. Oxley

Rep. Gillmor

Rep. Strickland

Rep. Hobson

Rep. Kaptur

Rep. Kucinich

Rep. Jones

Rep. Brown

Rep. Sawyer

Rep. Pryce

Rep. Traficant

Rep. Ney


Rep. Wu

Rep. DeFazio

Rep. Hooley







Rep. Brady

Rep. Fattah

Rep. Klink

Rep. Weldon

Rep. Greenwood

Rep. Kanjorski

Rep. Hoeffel

Rep. Coyne

Rep. Goodling

Rep. Mascara

Rep. English

Rhode Island

Rep. Kennedy

Rep. Weygand

South Carolina

Rep. Spratt

Rep. Clyburn


Rep. Ford


Rep. Sandlin

Rep. Turner

Rep. Hall

Rep. Hinojosa

Rep. Stenholm

Rep. Combest

Rep. Bonilla

Rep. Frost

Rep. Ortiz


Rep. Cook


Rep. Scott

Rep. Sisisky

Rep. Goode

Rep. Moran

Rep. Boucher


Rep. Sanders


Rep. Baird

Rep. Dicks

Rep. McDermott

Rep. Smith

West Virginia

Rep. Wise

Rep. Rahall


Rep. Barrett


Rep. Cubin