The House Small Business Committee



September 29, 1999

Press Release





WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed vital health care legislation designed to offer the more than 44 million uninsured Americans quality, affordable healthcare. The bill, H.R. 2990, the "Quality Care for the Uninsured Act" was introduced by House Small Business Committee Chairman Jim Talent (R-Mo.) passed the House 227-205 and will provide tax incentives and free market reforms to offer millions of Americans the best patient protection of all – health care coverage.

"No discussion of health care is complete without talking about helping the millions of Americans who are currently uninsured," said Chairman Talent. "The Quality Care for the Uninsured Act finally ensures that the voice of the uninsured is heard because patient protections mean nothing if you have no health insurance. Today’s vote is a big victory for the millions of Americans without health insurance. One in six people in America – many of them are our friends and neighbors – live in fear of getting sick because they have no health insurance. With the success of the access bill, millions of uninsured Americans will have access to quality, affordable health care," said Talent.

More than 60% of the uninsured have one thing in common - they are either self-employed, or their family is employed by a small business that cannot afford to provide health benefits. The Quality Care for the Uninsured Act will provide access to affordable, quality, private sector healthcare for working families through tax incentives and free market reforms, including Association Health Plans (AHPs) Health Marts and Community Health Care Centers.

"Small employers don’t have the same economies of scale as big corporations," said Talent. "Because of this, small employers often can’t afford to offer their employees quality health care or any health care at all. The Quality Care for the Uninsured Act ends the health care discrimination against small businesses. It allows them to use free market reforms like Association Health Plans, to finally be able to offer employees the same kinds of health care options big corporations have offered for years."

Those who opposed the access bill argued that the Quality Care for the Uninsured Act was a poison pill and the cost of the bill ($48 billion over 10 years) would dip into the Social Security Trust. Talent argued, "They are wrong. Their bill does nothing for the uninsured, and the cost of the access bill is a fraction of the size of the President’s own spending initiatives. The access bill is actually a spoonful of sugar to the millions of Americans without health care. What point is health care reform, if you can’t afford health insurance in the first place? Passing the Quality Care for the Uninsured Act is a vital part of this health care debate."

"It’s time we did something about the uninsured," continued Talent. The Quality Care for the Uninsured act provides greater choice and access to affordable, high quality, private sector health insurance for millions of hard-working families," said Talent. "The bi-partisan passage of this important bill was the right thing to do."

An outline of the bill is attached.


Quality Care for the Uninsured Act



MEDICAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS give individuals the power and personal control to save for their own health care needs through tax-free savings accounts solely to be used for health care coverage.

TAX-DEDUCTIBLE PREMIUMS FOR SELF-EMPLOYED & UNINSURED create new avenues to health care coverage by allowing a 100% tax deduction on health care insurance premiums.

TAX-DEDUCTIBLE PREMIUMS FOR LONG-TERM CARE allow the 7.3 million Americans now in need of long-term care services, whether at home or in a nursing home facility, a 100% tax deduction on their insurance premiums. 19 million Americans are expected to require long-term health care by 2050.

ASSOCIATION HEALTH PLANS give small businesses and the self-employed the freedom to design more affordable benefit options and offer their workers access to health care coverage. These new coverage options promote greater competition, lower costs and new choices in health insurance markets. By allowing individuals and small employers to join together, AHPs promote the same economies of scale and purchasing clout that workers in large companies currently realize.

COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER NETWORKS allow community-based providers to form health care networks in order to meet the unique needs of employers and employees in medically underserved areas. CHOs ensure that these coordinate care plans are operated by providers who understand the unique health care needs of their medically underserved communities.

HEALTHMARTS create new purchasing cooperatives for firms, health plans and providers in a local geographic area. Employers may purchase insurance through the HealthMart, and individuals can join their own HealthMart as well. HealthMarts must offer at least two coverage options to employees.

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