Congressman Stenholm is a founding member of the House Rural Health Care Coalition (RHCC), which was organized in 1987 by a bipartisan group of lawmakers concerned about the accessibility and affordability of health care in rural America. The Congressman co-chaired the RHCC along with Rep. Pat Roberts (R-KS) in the 102nd and 103rd Congresses and currently serves on the steering committee.

The RHCC is active in the appropriations process, educating members of the Appropriations Committee about the importance of specific rural health provisions and fighting to maintain adequate funding for these programs. The RHCC also develops health care legislation to benefit rural areas and works to see that rural health provisions are included in any appropriate legislation moving through Congress.

Congressman Stenholm supports:

* Provider incentives that increase Medicare bonus payments for primary care providers who serve in rural areas.

* Medicare hospital payments sufficient to guarantee access to health care in rural areas.

* Improvements in the reimbursement rate for Medicare risk contractors (e.g. HMOs) that will help many rural areas and ensure equitable payments nationwide.

* Demonstration Projects to redirect Medicare graduate medical education (GME) funds to increase primary care residence training and promote rural-based educational experiences.

* Increased emphasis on telemedicine, including the development of a payment methodology for emergency or triage teleconsultations performed in health professional shortage areas.

* Sole Community Hospital payments to ensure that these essential health care providers remain open for citizens in rural America.

* Rural Emergency Access Care Hospitals (REACHs), which provide for medical screening exams and treatment for emergency medical conditions and labor for rural facilities that are in danger of closing due to low inpatient utilization and whose closing would reduce access to emergency services.

* Full funding for the National Health Service Corps, which provides loans and scholarships for health care providers who practice in shortage areas.

* Continued funding of the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, which provides technical assistance to rural areas and administers telemedicine and other grants for rural providers.

* Adequate funding for rural health grant programs, such as the Rural Health Outreach Grant Program and Rural Health Transition Grants.

* Rural Health Network Grants that would provide technical assistance for the development of and implementation of rural health networks.