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Copyright 1999 The New York Times Company  
The New York Times

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November 27, 1999, Saturday, Late Edition - Final

SECTION: Section A; Page 15; Column 5; Editorial Desk 

LENGTH: 780 words

HEADLINE: How Medicine Became Just Another Product

BYLINE:  By Daniel Patrick Moynihan;  Daniel Patrick Moynihan is the senior Senator from New York.

Once again, we are reminded that teaching hospitals are in trouble. In the bill that President Clinton is likely to sign, the formula for financing graduate medical education has been challenged.

We have a crisis. Early in 1994, as the Senate Finance Committee prepared to take up the Clinton administration health-care legislation, it occurred to me that I knew nothing of the issue. As chairman of the committee, I asked Paul A. Marks, president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering, to arrange a seminar for me and my staff. On a January morning, we assembled in the Laurance S. Rockefeller Boardroom at 10 a.m. At about a quarter past the hour I was told that the University of Minnesota might have to close its medical school.

Whereupon my education began. Minnesota is where the Scandinavians settled. They don't close medical schools; they open medical schools. What was going on? It was simple enough: managed care had reached the high plains. The good folk of Lake Wobegon had dutifully signed on, only to learn that market-based health plans do not send patients to teaching hospitals, because they cost too much. No teaching hospital, no medical school. The Clinton administration's plan assumed that health-care costs would continue to rise. Medicaid expenditures had doubled in the eight years of the Reagan administration, doubled again in four years of the Bush administration. (If this geometric progression had continued, it would have doubled in one day, on the last day of 1996.) The administration's solution was rationing. Cut the number of doctors by a quarter, specialists by half and so on.

Our committee went in a different direction. We held a hearing in April 1994. Early on, Charles J. Fahey, speaking on behalf of the Catholic Health Association, told us we were witnessing the "commodification of medicine."

Further down the witness table, we were told that Southern California now had a spot market for bone-marrow transplants. In other words, we needn't worry about rising health care costs, as competition would press prices downward. (And indeed, last year the cost of Medicare actually declined!)

But there would be side effects. To wit: because markets do not provide for public goods, teaching hospitals would be at risk. Everyone benefits from public goods, whether or not they pay for them. Therefore, no one has any incentive to pay. It follows that for the most part public goods like teaching hospitals have to be paid for by the public, indirectly through tax exemption or directly through expenditure.

So the Finance Committee bill, passed with bipartisan support in 1994, included a 1.75 percent assessment (that is, a tax) on all health-insurance policies, to provide financing for the medical schools and the teaching hospitals. As I recall, no notice was taken of this. In any event, the Clinton administration rejected the committee bill, and in the end no legislation of any kind passed.

Since then, things have not gotten better for teaching hospitals. A slow, inexorable crisis has emerged, especially in New York, a medical center unsurpassed on earth. The federal government entered health care big time in 1965 with the enactment of Medicare and Medicaid. Almost as an afterthought, Congress also provided funding for medical schools and teaching hospitals.

It took a generation, but members of Congress have now discovered that New York does well under this arrangement. And so, Congress has passed legislation that would reallocate money from New York teaching hospitals to those in other parts of the country.

Even so, we dodged a bullet. Just. Earlier versions of the legislation would have taken much more medical education money from New York hospitals. And the reallocation doesn't take effect until after Oct. 1, 2000.

That gives us some time to fix things. The present arcane arrangements have seen their day. Managed care has changed everything. Medicare can no longer be the primary source of financing for graduate medical education.

In the last three Congresses, I have introduced the Medical Education Trust Fund Act, which would require that the public sector, through Medicare and Medicaid, and the private sector, through an assessment on health-insurance premiums, provide financing for graduate medical education. But so far, only the deans of medical schools and, thank heaven, the hospital workers' unions, seem to have noticed.

Now then. Which candidate for president is going to say direct federal support for teaching hospitals is in order?

These institutions save far more lives than, for example, the Coast Guard, and indeed, in many ways, they are transforming life itself.

LOAD-DATE: November 27, 1999

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