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Legislative and Regulatory Reports

From Washington, D.C.

MEDPAC, Bipartisan Commission to Consider Graduate Medical Education. Two groups created by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MEDPAC) and the National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare, will make recommendations later this year about Medicare programs, including future funding for pharmacy residency training.

MEDPAC merges two groups, the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission and the Physician Payment Review Commission, to advise Congress on Medicare payment policies and other policy issues affecting the program and the broader health system, including graduate medical education. The group met for the first time in October 1997 and is required to issue a report by March 1.

The National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare will review and analyze the long-term financial condition of Medicare and identify problems that threaten its financial integrity. The commission must also make recommendations about the financing of graduate medical education and consider alternative broad-based sources of funding. The group’s recommendations will address not only medicine, but all health professions that currently receive Medicare funds, including pharmacy.

ASHP will continue to monitor the activities of these groups and advocate strongly for funding of pharmacy residencies as an urgent national priority related to the safe and effective use of medications. Look for more information in future issues of the ASHP Newsletter.

In Brief. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued draft guidance outlining the factors it will use to determine whether a medical product sponsor may be held responsible for the promotional practices of a pharmacy benefit management company (PBM). Concerns about the effects of what has been termed “drug switching” on patients served by PBMs is driving the proposal. ASHP will be submitting comments to the FDA on this issue.

From the States

The Virginia State Board of Pharmacy recently adopted final regulations concerning automated dispensing devices. The Virginia Society of Health-System Pharmacists (VSHP) staged an intense lobbying effort that urged the board to make changes in the sections on access, stocking, and recordkeeping and other issues. ASHP joined VSHP’s comments and encouraged the agency to follow standards set by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy and to broaden the scope of the regulations beyond hospital settings. The regulations go into effect this month.

Collaborative drug therapy management continues to be a hot issue on the state level. Legislation drafted in Colorado, Maryland, New Hampshire, and Virginia brings the total of bills either drafted or introduced to eight. This month, state societies will receive advocacy packets from ASHP’s Government Affairs Division containing materials to aid in lobbying efforts.

Ohio, Alabama, Indiana, and New Jersey have introduced narrow therapeutic index drug products (NTI) bills to be considered during the 1998 legislative session. In Texas, where media scrutiny following the passage of NTI legislation has been critical of pharmacists (see story on page 6), a joint task force of the Texas state board of pharmacy and the Texas board of medical exam-iners has issued a list of NTI drugs. A proposed rule will be presented at the Board of Pharmacy meeting this month.

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