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REID (AND OTHERS) AMENDMENT NO. 1361 -- (Senate - July 27, 1999)

[Page: S9414]  GPO's PDF


   Mr. REID (for himself, Mr. CRAIG, and Mr. BRYAN) proposed an amendment to amendment No. 1360 proposed by Mrs. MURRAY to the bill, H.R. 2466, supra; as follows:

   In lieu of the language proposed to be stricken, insert:


   (a) PROHIBITION ON MILLSITE LIMITATIONS.--Notwithstanding the opinion dated November 7, 1997, by the Solicitor of the Department of the Interior concerning millsites under the general mining law (referred to in this section as the ``opinion''), in accordance with the millsite provisions of the Bureau of Land Management's Manual Sec. 3864.1.B (dated 1991), the Bureau of Land Management Handbook for Mineral Examiners H-3890-1, page III-8 (dated 1989), and section 2811.33 of the Forest Service Manual (dated 1990), the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture shall not, for any fiscal year, limit the number or acreage of millsites based on the ratio between the number or acreage of millsites and the number or acreage of associated lode or placer claims with respect to any patent application grandfathered pursuant to Section 312 of this Interior Appropriations Act of

   X; any operation or property for which a plan of operations has been previously approved; any operation or property for which a plan of operations has been submitted to the Bureau of Land Management or Forest Service prior to October 1, 2000; or any subsequent amendment or modification to such approved or submitted plans.

   (b) NO RATIFICATION.--Nothing in this Act shall be construed as an explicit or tacit adoption, ratification, endorsement or approval of the opinion.