Senator Dianne Feinstein
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Foreign Affairs

Senator Feinstein has served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and has an extensive record on foreign policy, including support for granting China Permanent Normal Trade Relations status, reaching a Middle East peace and ensuring that Mexico helps the United States in the War on Drugs.  Her record on foreign policy includes:

AIDS in Africa - Senator Feinstein was instrumental in urging President Clinton to sign executive order in May 2000 to make low-cost medicine available to battle the raging AIDS/HIV epidemic in Africa - where over 34 million have been infected and over 11 million killed - by ensuring access to low cost generic AIDS drugs for nations that have been ravaged by the disease.

Debt Relief - Senator Feinstein supports President Clinton's proposal to provide $435 million for multilateral debt relief for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa, to allow accountable governments to shift funds from debt servicing to programs to meet basic needs, such as fighting HIV/AIDS.  She cosponsored a Sense of the Senate amendment to support this and has urged the Foreign Operations Appropriations Conference Committee to fund the President's request.

Middle East Peace - Senator Feinstein is a strong supporter of providing foreign assistance to Israel for the Middle East peace process. She cosponsored and helped pass the Middle East Peace Facilitation Act (MEPFA), to allow the U.S. to have diplomatic relations with the Palestinian Authority, supports the Oslo peace agreements and supports fully funding the Wye River Middle East Peace Agreement.

China - Senator Feinstein supports China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) and permanent normal trade relations status, which will expand markets for California agricultural exports.  Today, more than one-quarter of California's trillion dollar economy depends on international trade and investment, and for two decades California-China trade relations have grown dramatically.  California exports to China topped $6 billion in 1998, generating more than 100,000 jobs and with approval of PNTR, that number is expected to grow.

International Trade - Senator Feinstein has supported trade agreements and legislation that will benefit California's economy. She supported the Uruguay Round of GATT, granting PNTR for China, and the Africa Trade and Caribbean Initiative.  She has opposed trade agreements and legislation that negatively impacted California's economy such as NAFTA and giving President Clinton fast track trading authority.

The War on Drugs - Senator Feinstein supports fighting the war on drugs internationally. She has worked to provide more funding for the U.S. Customs Bureau and the Drug Enforcement Agency and is the co-sponsor of the Drug Kingpin Act which enables the U.S. to block and freeze the assets of narcotics traffickers who pose threats to the nation's security, foreign policy and economy.   She is also a cosponsor of legislation to provide over $1 billion in assistance to aid Colombia in their fight against drug trafficking.

Weapons Proliferation - Senator Feinstein supports controlling the proliferation of small arms and light weapons, and she cosponsored legislation to limit the export and use of landmines by the U.S.  She supports the nuclear test ban treaty, the START II Treaty, the ABM Treaty of 1972, the  Chemical Weapons Convention, and she opposes U.S. nuclear testing. She opposed transferring sophisticated military technology to Pakistan, in 1995, and she supports using "carrots" and "sticks" to halt the flow of weapons of mass destruction from Russia to Iran.

The Rights of Women - Senator Feinstein has consistently fought for the rights of women around the world.  She supports micro-credit assistance programs, which are programs to provide small loans to poor women to allow them to start businesses, and international family planning  programs. She is also cosponsor of a resolution urging the Senate to ratify the Convention to Eliminate all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

Sanctions on Myanmar (Burma) - Senator Feinstein worked to establish U.S. sanctions policy toward Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), requiring the President to ban new investment by U.S. firms in Burma if it is determined that the Government of Myanmar has physically harmed, rearrested or exiled human rights activist Aung San Suu Kyi or committee large-scale repression or violence against Democratic opposition.

International Disaster Assistance - Senator Feinstein supports international disaster assistance.  For example, she voted in favor of providing aid to countries in Central America affected by Hurricane Mitch and Hurricane George.

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