Bill Summary & Status for the 106th Congress


Sponsor: Rep Pombo, Richard W.(introduced 4/28/1999)
Related Bills: S.1464
Latest Major Action: 5/17/1999 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Health and Environment.
Title: To establish certain requirements regarding the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996, and for other purposes.
Jump to: Titles, Status, Committees, Related Bill Details, Amendments, Cosponsors, Summary

TITLE(S):  (italics indicate a title for a portion of a bill)
STATUS: (color indicates Senate actions) (Floor Actions/Congressional Record Page References)
Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Agriculture, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
Referred to House Commerce
Referred to the Subcommittee on Health and Environment.
Referred to House Agriculture
Referred to the Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition and Forestry.
Executive Comment Requested from USDA, EPA.

RELATED BILL DETAILS:  (additional related bills may be indentified in Status)



COSPONSORS(236), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]:     (Sort: by date)

Rep Aderholt, Robert B. - 7/15/1999 Rep Armey, Richard K. - 6/22/2000
Rep Bachus, Spencer - 5/24/1999 Rep Baird, Brian - 8/5/1999
Rep Baker, Richard H. - 6/16/1999 Rep Barcia, James A. - 6/10/1999
Rep Barr, Bob - 5/11/1999 Rep Barrett, Bill - 6/7/1999
Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G. - 6/10/1999 Rep Barton, Joe - 6/22/2000
Rep Bass, Charles F. - 2/29/2000 Rep Bereuter, Doug - 3/23/2000
Rep Berry, Marion - 8/3/1999 Rep Bishop, Sanford D. Jr. - 4/28/1999
Rep Blunt, Roy - 7/19/1999 Rep Boehner, John A. - 9/23/1999
Rep Bonilla, Henry - 10/28/1999 Rep Bono, Mary - 4/28/1999
Rep Boswell, Leonard L. - 9/30/1999 Rep Boucher, Rick - 4/28/1999
Rep Boyd, Allen - 4/28/1999 Rep Brady, Kevin - 3/28/2000
Rep Brown, Corrine - 5/18/1999 Rep Bryant, Ed - 6/7/1999
Rep Burr, Richard - 5/18/2000 Rep Burton, Dan - 6/7/1999
Rep Buyer, Steve E. - 7/27/1999 Rep Callahan, Sonny - 5/17/2000
Rep Calvert, Ken - 5/11/1999 Rep Camp, Dave - 6/7/1999
Rep Canady, Charles T. - 4/28/1999 Rep Cannon, Chris - 9/8/1999
Rep Carson, Julia - 11/4/1999 Rep Chambliss, Saxby - 5/13/1999
Rep Chenoweth-Hage, Helen - 7/1/1999 Rep Christensen, Donna MC - 7/15/1999
Rep Clayton, Eva M. - 10/20/1999 Rep Clement, Bob - 5/13/1999
Rep Clyburn, James E. - 6/7/1999 Rep Coburn, Tom A. - 6/20/2000
Rep Collins, Mac - 6/7/1999 Rep Condit, Gary A. - 4/28/1999
Rep Cook, Merrill - 2/8/2000 Rep Cooksey, John - 5/24/1999
Rep Cox, Christopher - 3/1/2000 Rep Cramer, Robert E. (Bud) Jr. - 7/15/1999
Rep Cubin, Barbara - 7/14/1999 Rep Cunningham, Randy (Duke) - 5/18/1999
Rep Danner, Pat - 5/4/1999 Rep Davis, Thomas M. - 2/29/2000
Rep Deal, Nathan - 5/24/1999 Rep DeLay, Tom - 4/13/2000
Rep DeMint, Jim - 7/22/1999 Rep Dickey, Jay - 6/7/1999
Rep Dicks, Norman D. - 10/26/1999 Rep Dingell, John D. - 2/1/2000
Rep Dooley, Calvin M. - 6/24/1999 Rep Doolittle, John T. - 4/28/1999
Rep Doyle, Michael F. - 7/18/2000 Rep Duncan, John J., Jr. - 6/17/1999
Rep Dunn, Jennifer - 10/7/1999 Rep Edwards, Chet - 6/29/1999
Rep Ehlers, Vernon J. - 7/12/1999 Rep Ehrlich, Robert L., Jr. - 8/2/1999
Rep Emerson, Jo Ann - 5/4/1999 Rep English, Phil - 7/27/1999
Rep Etheridge, Bob - 4/28/1999 Rep Everett, Terry - 3/1/2000
Rep Ewing, Thomas W. - 9/8/1999 Rep Fletcher, Ernest L. - 7/13/1999
Rep Foley, Mark - 5/24/1999 Rep Fowler, Tillie - 6/24/1999
Rep Frelinghuysen, Rodney P. - 5/3/2000 Rep Ganske, Greg - 2/1/2000
Rep Gekas, George W. - 5/18/1999 Rep Gibbons, Jim - 5/18/1999
Rep Gillmor, Paul E. - 7/20/1999 Rep Gilman, Benjamin A. - 6/7/1999
Rep Goode, Virgil H., Jr. - 4/28/1999 Rep Goodling, William F. - 6/10/1999
Rep Gordon, Bart - 5/11/1999 Rep Graham, Lindsey O. - 7/13/1999
Rep Greenwood, James C. - 7/20/1999 Rep Gutknecht, Gil - 4/6/2000
Rep Hall, Ralph M. - 5/11/1999 Rep Hall, Tony P. - 3/14/2000
Rep Hansen, James V. - 7/13/1999 Rep Hastings, Doc - 7/19/1999
Rep Hayes, Robin - 5/13/1999 Rep Hayworth, J. D. - 7/12/1999
Rep Hefley, Joel - 8/2/1999 Rep Herger, Wally - 5/4/1999
Rep Hill, Baron P. - 7/14/1999 Rep Hill, Rick - 4/28/1999
Rep Hilleary, Van - 7/30/1999 Rep Hilliard, Earl F. - 7/15/1999
Rep Hinojosa, Ruben - 10/13/1999 Rep Hobson, David L. - 6/29/1999
Rep Hoekstra, Peter - 6/10/1999 Rep Holden, Tim - 5/18/1999
Rep Hostettler, John N. - 5/24/1999 Rep Houghton, Amo - 6/29/1999
Rep Hulshof, Kenny C. - 5/13/1999 Rep Hunter, Duncan - 4/28/1999
Rep Hutchinson, Asa - 5/18/1999 Rep Isakson, Johnny - 6/22/1999
Rep Istook, Ernest J., Jr. - 4/28/1999 Rep Jenkins, William L. - 7/21/1999
Rep John, Christopher - 4/28/1999 Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. - 5/24/1999
Rep Kanjorski, Paul E. - 8/5/1999 Rep Kasich, John R. - 3/1/2000
Rep Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. - 6/10/1999 Rep King, Peter T. - 6/7/1999
Rep Kingston, Jack - 6/7/1999 Rep Klink, Ron - 7/14/1999
Rep Knollenberg, Joe - 7/15/1999 Rep Kolbe, Jim - 4/28/1999
Rep Kuykendall, Steven T. - 5/16/2000 Rep LaFalce, John J. - 7/14/1999
Rep LaHood, Ray - 3/8/2000 Rep Lampson, Nick - 9/14/2000
Rep Largent, Steve - 5/23/2000 Rep Latham, Tom - 2/15/2000
Rep LaTourette, Steve C. - 2/29/2000 Rep Lewis, Jerry - 5/17/2000
Rep Lewis, Ron - 5/13/1999 Rep Linder, John - 5/13/1999
Rep Lucas, Frank D. - 5/11/1999 Rep Lucas, Ken - 5/24/1999
Rep Manzullo, Donald A. - 5/17/2000 Rep Martinez, Matthew G. - 3/8/2000
Rep Mascara, Frank - 10/5/1999 Rep Matsui, Robert T. - 7/14/1999
Rep McCarthy, Karen - 10/18/1999 Rep McCollum, Bill - 11/18/1999
Rep McCrery, Jim - 6/10/1999 Rep McHugh, John M. - 5/11/1999
Rep McInnis, Scott - 5/4/1999 Rep McIntosh, David M. - 7/12/1999
Rep McIntyre, Mike - 7/14/1999 Rep McKeon, Howard P. (Buck) - 3/8/2000
Rep McKinney, Cynthia A. - 7/10/2000 Rep Metcalf, Jack - 9/8/1999
Rep Mica, John L. - 10/26/1999 Rep Millender-McDonald, Juanita - 2/14/2000
Rep Miller, Dan - 10/20/1999 Rep Miller, Gary - 5/17/2000
Rep Moore, Dennis - 7/30/1999 Rep Moran, Jerry - 6/7/1999
Rep Nethercutt, George R., Jr. - 4/28/1999 Rep Ney, Robert W. - 7/13/1999
Rep Northup, Anne - 9/9/1999 Rep Norwood, Charlie - 5/18/1999
Rep Nussle, Jim - 11/3/1999 Rep Ose, Doug - 6/17/1999
Rep Owens, Major R. - 7/30/1999 Rep Pastor, Ed - 8/5/1999
Rep Paul, Ron - 2/14/2000 Rep Pease, Edward A. - 9/8/1999
Rep Peterson, Collin C. - 6/7/1999 Rep Peterson, John E. - 5/4/2000
Rep Phelps, David D. - 6/30/1999 Rep Pickering, Charles (Chip) - 6/30/1999
Rep Pickett, Owen B. - 6/7/1999 Rep Pitts, Joseph R. - 7/12/1999
Rep Pryce, Deborah - 6/10/1999 Rep Quinn, Jack - 6/30/1999
Rep Radanovich, George P. - 4/28/1999 Rep Regula, Ralph - 3/8/2000
Rep Reyes, Silvestre - 2/1/2000 Rep Reynolds, Thomas M. - 5/4/1999
Rep Riley, Bob - 7/30/1999 Rep Roemer, Tim - 6/10/1999
Rep Rogers, Harold - 6/17/1999 Rep Rohrabacher, Dana - 11/3/1999
Rep Royce, Edward R. - 5/17/2000 Rep Rush, Bobby L. - 11/16/1999
Rep Ryan, Paul - 9/30/1999 Rep Ryun, Jim - 5/24/1999
Rep Salmon, Matt - 4/28/1999 Rep Sandlin, Max - 4/28/1999
Rep Scarborough, Joe - 5/11/1999 Rep Schaffer, Bob - 5/4/1999
Rep Sessions, Pete - 10/18/1999 Rep Shadegg, John B. - 7/15/1999
Rep Sherwood, Don - 9/23/1999 Rep Shimkus, John - 10/21/1999
Rep Shows, Ronnie - 4/28/1999 Rep Shuster, Bud - 5/15/2000
Rep Simpson, Michael K. - 5/11/1999 Rep Sisisky, Norman - 5/24/1999
Rep Skeen, Joe - 5/11/1999 Rep Skelton, Ike - 7/12/1999
Rep Smith, Adam - 7/27/1999 Rep Smith, Lamar - 8/2/1999
Rep Smith, Nick - 6/10/1999 Rep Souder, Mark E. - 7/19/1999
Rep Spence, Floyd - 5/24/1999 Rep Spratt, John M., Jr. - 5/24/1999
Rep Stabenow, Debbie - 6/16/1999 Rep Stearns, Cliff - 6/22/1999
Rep Stenholm, Charles W. - 8/3/1999 Rep Strickland, Ted - 4/28/1999
Rep Stump, Bob - 5/13/1999 Rep Stupak, Bart - 8/2/1999
Rep Sununu, John E. - 5/24/1999 Rep Sweeney, John E. - 7/30/1999
Rep Talent, James M. - 7/13/1999 Rep Tancredo, Thomas G. - 6/29/1999
Rep Tanner, John S. - 5/4/1999 Rep Tauzin, W. J. (Billy) - 6/7/1999
Rep Taylor, Charles H. - 9/23/1999 Rep Terry, Lee - 5/18/1999
Rep Thomas, William M. (Bill) - 7/12/1999 Rep Thompson, Bennie G. - 5/24/1999
Rep Thornberry, William (Mac) - 5/13/1999 Rep Thune, John R. - 6/17/1999
Rep Thurman, Karen L. - 5/11/1999 Rep Tiahrt, Todd - 7/22/1999
Rep Toomey, Patrick J. - 9/8/1999 Rep Towns, Edolphus - 4/28/1999
Rep Traficant, James A., Jr. - 11/3/2000 Rep Turner, Jim - 5/13/1999
Rep Upton, Fred - 7/21/1999 Rep Vitter, David - 9/8/1999
Rep Walden, Greg - 6/16/1999 Rep Walsh, James T. - 5/11/1999
Rep Wamp, Zach - 9/8/1999 Rep Watkins, Wes - 9/23/1999
Rep Weldon, Dave - 9/8/1999 Rep Weller, Jerry - 8/5/1999
Rep Whitfield, Ed - 5/11/1999 Rep Wicker, Roger F. - 6/7/1999
Rep Wynn, Albert Russell - 2/8/2000 Rep Young, Don - 5/17/2000


Regulatory Fairness and Openness Act of 1999 - Requires the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to conduct a transition analysis report with respect to pesticide tolerances before releasing any product safety information to the public, or making final tolerance decisions. Includes within such report's requirements a description of the extent to which specified assumptions have been used to support findings or regulatory recommendations.

(Sec. 5) Sets forth interim review or reassessment procedures.

(Sec. 6) Requires the Administrator to issue within one year of enactment of this Act final implementing rules for tolerances and exemptions for pesticide chemical residues.

(Sec. 7) Amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require the Administrator to issue guidelines specifying required data in support of tolerances and exemptions. Amends the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act to provide for related notice and opportunity for hearing.

(Sec. 8) Amends the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act to provide for an expedited replacement product registration process.

Amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to authorize an expedited tolerance for an emergency exemption if no significant (food) consumer risk exists.

(Sec. 9) Requires the Administrator and the Secretary of Agriculture to report with respect to related pesticide, residue, and food use priorities and resources.

(Sec. 10) Requires the Secretary to develop a program to monitor the competitive international market strength of major U.S. agricultural commodity sectors.

(Sec. 11) Establishes the Pesticide Advisory Committee.