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LCV Letters to the 106th Congress

June 13, 2000

United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Re: Oppose Anti-Environment Riders and Support Pro-Environment Amendments to FY 2001 Department of Interior Appropriations

Dear Senator:

The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) is the nonpartisan, political voice of the national environmental community. Each year, LCV publishes the National Environmental Scorecard, which details the voting records of Members of Congress on environmental legislation. The Scorecard is distributed to LCV members, concerned voters nationwide, and the press.

When the Senate considers the FY 2001 Transportation Appropriations bill, the League of Conservation Voters urges you to support a resolution offered by Senators Gorton (R-WA), Feinstein (D-CA), and Bryan (D-NV) that calls on the Senate not to accede to language in the House Transportation bill that will prevent the Department of Transportation from using appropriated funds to develop new fuel economy standards.

The House rider will prevent the Transportation Department from implementing the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards law, one of the most effective energy savings measures Congress has ever adopted. Cars and light trucks alone consume 40% of the oil used in the US. The fuel economy standard for passenger cars is 27.5 mpg; the standard for light trucks is only 20.7 mpg. The standard for light trucks, which now comprise nearly 50% of the new passenger vehicle market, has virtually stagnated for 19 years; the car standard has not changed in 14 years.

The current CAFE standards save more than 3 million barrels of oil every day. They reduce pollution by eliminating 500,000 tons per year of carcinogenic emissions and by keeping millions of tons of carbon dioxide, a global warming gas, out of the atmosphere. By preventing the Department from even studying whether to raise the CAFE standards, the rider denies Americans substantial oil and consumer savings, as well as pollution reductions, that can be realized with existing fuel saving technologies.

We can cost-effectively and safely raise fuel economy standards using existing technology. The law requires the Department of Transportation to consider technical feasibility, economic practicability, the effect of other Federal motor vehicle standards on fuel economy, and the need to conserve energy in studying the need to update CAFE standards. A rulemaking process considering these factors will provide ample opportunity for the auto industry to protect their interests.

As the Senate considers the FY 2001 Transportation Appropriations bill, the League of Conservation Voters urges you to support the Gorton/Feinstein/Bryan Clean Car Resolution.

LCV's Political Advisory Committee will consider including votes on this issue in compiling LCV's 2000 Scorecard. If you need more information, please call Betsy Loyless in my office at 202/785-8683.


Deb Callahan

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