Bill Summary & Status for the 106th Congress


H.R.3439      (Major Legislation)
Sponsor: Rep Oxley, Michael G. (introduced 11/17/1999)
Related Bills: H.RES.472S.2068
Latest Major Action: 5/16/2000 Referred to Senate committee
Title: To require the Federal Communications Commission to revise its regulations authorizing the operation of new, low-power FM radio stations.
Jump to: Titles, Status, Committees, Related Bill Details, Amendments, Cosponsors, Summary

TITLE(S):  (italics indicate a title for a portion of a bill)
STATUS: (color indicates Senate actions)
Referred to the House Committee on Commerce.
Referred to the Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade, and Consumer Protection.
Subcommittee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Forwarded by Subcommittee to Full Committee by Voice Vote.
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Voice Vote.
4/10/2000 8:22pm:
Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Commerce. H. Rept. 106-567.
4/10/2000 8:22pm:
Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 312.
4/12/2000 4:40pm:
Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 472 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 3439 with 1 hour of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Makes in order the Committee on Commerce amendment in the nature of a substitute, now printed in the bill, as an original bill for the purpose of amendment. Measure will be considered read. Bill is open to amendments.
4/13/2000 6:12pm:
Consideration initiated by previous order of the House.
4/13/2000 6:12pm:
Considered by previous order of the House. (consideration: CR H2302-2318)
4/13/2000 6:12pm:
The House resolved into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union pursuant to previous special order.
4/13/2000 6:13pm:
The Speaker designated the Honorable Ray LaHood to act as Chairman of the Committee.
4/13/2000 7:08pm:
H.AMDT.672 Amendment (A001) offered by Mr. Barrett (WI). (consideration: CR H2311-2317)
Amendment sought to allow the FCC to modify the rules to eliminate or reduce the minimum distance separations for third-adjacent channels six months after the Commission submits a study to Congress that examines whether low-power FM radio stations result in harmful interference to existing stations.
4/13/2000 8:15pm:
H.AMDT.672 On agreeing to the Barrett (WI) amendment (A001) Failed by recorded vote: 142 - 245 (Roll no. 129). (text: CR H2311)
4/13/2000 8:15pm:
The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union to report H.R. 3439.
4/13/2000 8:32pm:
On passage Passed by recorded vote: 274 - 110 (Roll no. 130). (text: CR H2310-2311)
4/13/2000 8:32pm:
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
4/13/2000 8:32pm:
The title of the measure was amended. Agreed to without objection.
Received in the Senate.
Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

RELATED BILL DETAILS:  (additional related bills may be indentified in Status)


1. H.AMDT.672 to H.R.3439 Amendment sought to allow the FCC to modify the rules to eliminate or reduce the minimum distance separations for third-adjacent channels six months after the Commission submits a study to Congress that examines whether low-power FM radio stations result in harmful interference to existing stations.
Sponsor: Rep Barrett, Thomas M. - Latest Major Action: 4/13/2000 House amendment not agreed to

2. H.AMDT.673 to H.R.3439
Sponsor: Rep Dreier, David - Latest Major Action: 4/13/2000 House amendment offered

COSPONSORS(165), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]:     (Sort: by date)

Rep Abercrombie, Neil - 3/20/2000 Rep Aderholt, Robert B. - 2/7/2000
Rep Allen, Thomas H. - 3/20/2000 Rep Bachus, Spencer - 1/27/2000
Rep Barcia, James A. - 2/16/2000 Rep Barr, Bob - 3/13/2000
Rep Barrett, Bill - 1/27/2000 Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G. - 3/6/2000
Rep Bass, Charles F. - 1/24/2000 Rep Bateman, Herbert H. - 2/10/2000
Rep Bereuter, Doug - 2/16/2000 Rep Berkley, Shelley - 2/1/2000
Rep Berry, Marion - 2/16/2000 Rep Biggert, Judy - 2/16/2000
Rep Blagojevich, Rod R. - 3/22/2000 Rep Blunt, Roy - 1/27/2000
Rep Boehlert, Sherwood L. - 1/27/2000 Rep Bonilla, Henry - 1/31/2000
Rep Brady, Kevin - 3/13/2000 Rep Bryant, Ed - 1/24/2000
Rep Burr, Richard - 1/24/2000 Rep Burton, Dan - 3/6/2000
Rep Buyer, Steve E. - 3/6/2000 Rep Callahan, Sonny - 1/24/2000
Rep Camp, Dave - 2/16/2000 Rep Campbell, Tom - 2/29/2000
Rep Canady, Charles T. - 1/24/2000 Rep Cannon, Chris - 2/16/2000
Rep Chambliss, Saxby - 3/16/2000 Rep Clement, Bob - 2/16/2000
Rep Coble, Howard - 1/31/2000 Rep Coburn, Tom A. - 2/10/2000
Rep Collins, Mac - 1/24/2000 Rep Combest, Larry - 1/24/2000
Rep Cook, Merrill - 2/15/2000 Rep Costello, Jerry F. - 2/1/2000
Rep Cramer, Robert E. (Bud) Jr. - 2/9/2000 Rep Cubin, Barbara - 11/17/1999
Rep Danner, Pat - 2/16/2000 Rep Davis, Thomas M. - 2/16/2000
Rep Deal, Nathan - 2/10/2000 Rep DeMint, Jim - 2/29/2000
Rep Dickey, Jay - 2/1/2000 Rep Dicks, Norman D. - 3/6/2000
Rep Dreier, David - 2/10/2000 Rep Dunn, Jennifer - 3/28/2000
Rep Edwards, Chet - 1/24/2000 Rep Ehrlich, Robert L., Jr. - 11/17/1999
Rep Emerson, Jo Ann - 1/24/2000 Rep Etheridge, Bob - 4/3/2000
Rep Evans, Lane - 3/6/2000 Rep Everett, Terry - 1/24/2000
Rep Ewing, Thomas W. - 2/29/2000 Rep Fletcher, Ernest L. - 3/28/2000
Rep Foley, Mark - 1/31/2000 Rep Forbes, Michael P. - 2/15/2000
Rep Ford, Harold, Jr. - 2/29/2000 Rep Fossella, Vito - 11/18/1999
Rep Franks, Bob - 3/13/2000 Rep Frelinghuysen, Rodney P. - 2/16/2000
Rep Frost, Martin - 3/6/2000 Rep Gallegly, Elton - 2/1/2000
Rep Ganske, Greg - 3/6/2000 Rep Gekas, George W. - 1/24/2000
Rep Gibbons, Jim - 2/16/2000 Rep Goode, Virgil H., Jr. - 1/24/2000
Rep Goodlatte, Bob - 2/16/2000 Rep Gordon, Bart - 4/10/2000
Rep Green, Gene - 2/29/2000 Rep Greenwood, James C. - 2/16/2000
Rep Gutknecht, Gil - 1/24/2000 Rep Hall, Ralph M. - 2/16/2000
Rep Hastings, Doc - 3/20/2000 Rep Hayes, Robin - 2/9/2000
Rep Hayworth, J. D. - 2/16/2000 Rep Herger, Wally - 3/13/2000
Rep Hill, Rick - 2/1/2000 Rep Hilleary, Van - 3/28/2000
Rep Hoekstra, Peter - 2/15/2000 Rep Hulshof, Kenny C. - 2/16/2000
Rep Hutchinson, Asa - 2/7/2000 Rep Isakson, Johnny - 2/16/2000
Rep Istook, Ernest J., Jr. - 3/6/2000 Rep Jenkins, William L. - 2/16/2000
Rep Johnson, Nancy L. - 3/22/2000 Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. - 2/16/2000
Rep Kingston, Jack - 2/29/2000 Rep Knollenberg, Joe - 3/13/2000
Rep LaHood, Ray - 1/27/2000 Rep Lampson, Nick - 4/4/2000
Rep Largent, Steve - 1/27/2000 Rep Latham, Tom - 2/1/2000
Rep Lewis, Jerry - 2/9/2000 Rep Lewis, Ron - 2/7/2000
Rep Lipinski, William O. - 3/22/2000 Rep LoBiondo, Frank A. - 3/16/2000
Rep Lucas, Frank D. - 2/10/2000 Rep Lucas, Ken - 3/22/2000
Rep Manzullo, Donald A. - 1/24/2000 Rep McCrery, Jim - 3/16/2000
Rep McHugh, John M. - 1/27/2000 Rep McInnis, Scott - 3/6/2000
Rep McIntosh, David M. - 2/16/2000 Rep Moran, Jerry - 1/31/2000
Rep Myrick, Sue - 3/6/2000 Rep Neal, Richard E. - 2/16/2000
Rep Nethercutt, George R., Jr. - 1/24/2000 Rep Ney, Robert W. - 1/24/2000
Rep Northup, Anne - 4/3/2000 Rep Norwood, Charlie - 1/24/2000
Rep Nussle, Jim - 3/28/2000 Rep Oberstar, James L. - 2/10/2000
Rep Olver, John W. - 4/3/2000 Rep Pallone, Frank, Jr. - 11/17/1999
Rep Peterson, Collin C. - 1/24/2000 Rep Peterson, John E. - 2/29/2000
Rep Petri, Thomas E. - 1/24/2000 Rep Phelps, David D. - 2/1/2000
Rep Pickering, Charles (Chip) - 1/27/2000 Rep Pickett, Owen B. - 1/24/2000
Rep Pitts, Joseph R. - 4/4/2000 Rep Rahall, Nick J., II - 2/16/2000
Rep Ramstad, Jim - 1/24/2000 Rep Riley, Bob - 2/9/2000
Rep Rogers, Harold - 11/22/1999 Rep Ryan, Paul - 1/27/2000
Rep Ryun, Jim - 2/16/2000 Rep Salmon, Matt - 1/24/2000
Rep Sandlin, Max - 1/24/2000 Rep Sawyer, Tom - 3/22/2000
Rep Schaffer, Bob - 3/22/2000 Rep Sessions, Pete - 2/7/2000
Rep Shadegg, John B. - 3/22/2000 Rep Shimkus, John - 1/24/2000
Rep Shows, Ronnie - 2/29/2000 Rep Simpson, Michael K. - 2/16/2000
Rep Skeen, Joe - 1/24/2000 Rep Smith, Lamar - 1/24/2000
Rep Smith, Nick - 2/29/2000 Rep Spence, Floyd - 2/29/2000
Rep Spratt, John M., Jr. - 1/27/2000 Rep Stearns, Cliff - 11/17/1999
Rep Stenholm, Charles W. - 3/6/2000 Rep Strickland, Ted - 1/24/2000
Rep Stump, Bob - 1/24/2000 Rep Stupak, Bart - 1/27/2000
Rep Sununu, John E. - 1/24/2000 Rep Sweeney, John E. - 1/31/2000
Rep Talent, James M. - 1/24/2000 Rep Taylor, Charles H. - 2/15/2000
Rep Thornberry, William (Mac) - 1/27/2000 Rep Thune, John R. - 2/7/2000
Rep Tiahrt, Todd - 2/16/2000 Rep Turner, Jim - 1/24/2000
Rep Udall, Tom - 2/10/2000 Rep Upton, Fred - 1/27/2000
Rep Visclosky, Peter J. - 2/16/2000 Rep Walden, Greg - 3/28/2000
Rep Wamp, Zach - 4/4/2000 Rep Watkins, Wes - 2/7/2000
Rep Whitfield, Ed - 1/24/2000 Rep Wilson, Heather - 1/24/2000
Rep Wise, Robert E., Jr. - 2/16/2000 Rep Wolf, Frank R. - 3/22/2000
Rep Young, Don - 2/16/2000

4/13/2000--Passed House, amended.    (There are 2
other summaries)

Radio Broadcasting Preservation Act of 2000 - Directs the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to modify its rules authorizing the operation of low-power FM radio stations to: (1) prescribe minimum distance separations for third-adjacent channels (as well as co-channels and first- and second-adjacent channels); and (2) prohibit any applicant from obtaining a low-power FM license if such applicant has engaged in the unlicensed operation of any radio station in violation of FCC radio licensing requirements.

Prohibits the FCC, without specific authorization by Congress, from: (1) eliminating or reducing such minimum distance separations for third-adjacent channels; or (2) extending the eligibility for low-power FM stations beyond those organizations and entities proposed in MM Docket No. 99-25.

Invalidates any previously issued low-power FM station license that does not comply with such rule modifications.

Directs the FCC to conduct an experimental program to test whether low- power FM stations will result in harmful interference to existing FM radio stations if such stations are not subject to the minimum distance separation requirements. Requires the FCC to: (1) publish test results and allow an opportunity for public comment; and (2) report test results and FCC recommendations on reducing or eliminating minimum distance standards to specified congressional committees.