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    Dunn to the White House: Sign Death Tax Repeal Into Law

    August 24, 2000
    (Washington, D.C.)

    Today U.S. Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn (8th Dist.--Wash.), the author of H.R. 8, legislation to repeal the unfair death tax, urged President Clinton to sign this important measure into law. The Congress sent Dunn's bill to the White House for his signature today; President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore repeatedly have threatened to veto the legislation.

    "This is an exciting milestone. Defying the odds and confounding the critics, today Congress is sending President Clinton and Vice President Gore legislation to repeal the unfair death tax. Mr. President and Vice President Gore, I urge you to sign this important bill for working families," said Dunn.

    Last year, Dunn teamed up with Democrat Congressman John Tanner (8th Dist.--Tenn.) to introduce the Death Tax Elimination Act, H.R. 8. The bill ultimately repeals the death tax over ten years. H.R. 8 has broad, bi-partisan support having passed the House by a veto-proof margin with the suport of 65 Democrats. It is also supported by many minority and environmental groups. H.R. 8 leaves two percent of the projected surplus with Americans over the next ten years.

    The American people overwhelming support eliminating the death tax. In recent polls, as many as 80 percent of respondents favor repealing the tax outright because they believe it is unfair.

    "This is not a Democrat or Republican issue; this is a fairness issue," said Dunn. "It is time for President Clinton and Vice President Gore to stop saying ‘no' to restoring fairness to the tax code. Working men and women across the country recognize that it is simply wrong that after paying taxes your whole life, the government can collect up to 55 percent of these same assets when the head of the family dies. In fact, the White House Conference on Small Business made death tax repeal one of their top three recommendations to President Clinton. Mr. President, let's put progress ahead of partisanship and bury the death tax once and for all."


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