DEATH TAX -- (House of Representatives - June 07, 2000)

[Page: H3934]


   (Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

   Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, today we are faced with the largest tax burden since World War II and what many people do not realize is that the Federal Government is really taxing American values. A good example is the death tax.

   The death tax is one of the most onerous taxes imposed by the Federal Government. It is double and triple taxation on American families' hard-earned savings. Even worse, the death tax forces grieving sons and daughters to sell family businesses or farms just to pay the tax. It is absolutely outrageous that we allow the Federal Government to do this to families.

   Enough is enough. It is time to repeal the death tax and end the assault on American values of family, hard work, savings, and entrepreneurship.

   Let us bury the death tax now. By doing this, we will be giving freedom and a new birth to the next generation of families, farmers, and small business owners.