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Construction Legislative Week In Review
From the Congressional Relations Staff
June 17, 1999
Volume 4, Issue 24

The Associated
General Contractors
of America
333 John Carlyle Street
Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 548-3118
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Jeffrey D. Shoaf
Executive Director
Congressional Relations

Joan Huntley LaVor

Peter Loughlin
Construction Markets

Loren E. Sweatt
Procurement and

Phil Thoden
Tax & Fiscal Affairs

Patrick Wilson
Human Resources & Labor
House passes Air 21 - Hugh Increase for Aviation

The House passed AIR-21, the Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century, with an overwhelming vote of 316-110. Despite the efforts of the Appropriations and Budget Committee Chairmen to reduce the funding levels and eliminate the language that takes the Aviation Trust Fund off-budget, AIR-21 remained fully funded. The bill not only takes the Aviation Trust Fund off-budget, but it more than doubles funding for the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) from $1.95 billion to $4 billion beginning in fiscal year 2001. The Senate has not yet scheduled its aviation bill for floor action, although the bill provides only slight increases for AIP. Thank you to all members and chapters who contacted their representatives in support of AIR-21.

GOP Leaders Want Tax Bill Completed by August Recess: Republican leaders met this week and agreed on a plan to pass a tax cut bill in July and send it to the President before lawmakers head home for the August recess scheduled to begin August 7. Under the FY2000 budget resolution passed earlier this year, the House Ways and Means Committee must report out a tax-cutting bill by July 16, and the Senate Finance Committee must do the same by July 23. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Archer (R-TX) stated after the meeting that GOP leaders have agreed to meet these deadlines and complete action on the tax bills before the August recess. He anticipates floor action on the House bill the week of July 19. According to another source at the meeting, elimination of the estate (death) tax is a high priority for inclusion in this tax package. If you have yet to call/fax/write your Senators and Representatives in support of death tax elimination, now is the time! The Capitol Switchboard number is 202/225-3121.

Kyoto Protocol Under Fire: Rep. McIntosh (R-IN) introduced legislation (H.R. 2221) to prohibit implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. H.R. 2221 also prevents regulation of carbon dioxide. Both issues are part of the controversial global warming treaty signed by the Administration last year, but not given to the Senate for consideration as required by the Constitution. EPA is proposing to give early action credit to industries reducing carbon dioxide emissions prior to implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. Rep. McIntosh believes this is just one example of the many attempts to implement the Protocol without Senate ratification.

Committee Will Consider Important Ergonomics Measure: House Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairman Bill Goodling (R-PA) recently announced that his committee will meet Wednesday June 23, 1999 to mark-up The Workforce Preservation Act (H.R. 987). This critical measure ( a top priority for the AGC) will help ensure that any ergonomics standard promulgated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is based on scientific evidence. H.R. 987 was introduced by Representative Roy Blunt (R-MO) and is co-sponsored by more than 150 Republican and Democrat Members of Congress. It is very important that AGC Member’s contact their Representative to encourage them to support this bill. The Capitol Switchboard number is 202/225-3121.

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