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June 22, 2000
Volume 6, Issue 24

AGC Member Testifies on Hours-of-Service Before House Committee

Today, Ed DeMoss, President of the Risk Management Division of Clarkson Construction in Kansas City, Missouri, testified before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Subcommittee on Ground Transportation. Mr. DeMoss was explicit in his comments to the subcommittee that DOT's recently proposed changes to the hours-of-service regulations were unacceptable to the construction industry. His testimony highlighted the unique issues that distinguish driving operations within the construction industry. In his testimony, Mr. DeMoss stated, "The longer it takes to finish the hundreds of safety-related projects across the nation, the longer motorists are stuck in congested work zones, and the longer construction workers are exposed to the dangers of working in a highway work zone." Mr. DeMoss concluded his testimony by recommending that if DOT moves forward with new regulations, DOT should separate construction drivers from long-haul drivers by establishing a construction driver classification.

Senate Committee Passes Pipeline Safety: The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee passed S. 2438, the Pipeline Reauthorization Act mandating the implementation of recommendations by the Department of Transportation's Inspector General. The bill authorizes pipeline safety funding for the next three fiscal years. The legislation does not contain a one-sided penalty provision proposed by the Administration that would have required the jailing of an excavator if he or she "knowingly and willfully" failed to call the one-call center before excavating.

VA HUD Appropriations Bill Contains Two Key Environmental Provisions: The appropriations bill containing funding for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) prohibits EPA from finalizing the controversial "total maximum daily load" (TMDL) rule. An amendment offered by Reps. Collins (R-GA) and Linder (R-GA) was adopted 226-199. This amendment prohibits EPA from designating counties in attainment of the 8-hour ozone standard until the Supreme Court has ruled. Lower courts rejected both the 8-hour ozone standard and a more stringent particulate matter standard. If EPA made 8-hour ozone designations, counties found to be in nonattainment of the standard would face highway fund sanctions. AGC supported this amendment.

DEATH TAX ELIMINATION VOTE in the SENATE: Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS) has announced his intention to bring House-passed legislation to eliminate the death tax (H.R. 8) to the Senate floor for a vote. At press time, there is uncertainty as to when the bill will be considered, but it will either be next week or the week of July 10th. It is critical that your Senators know you support H.R. 8. You can download sample letters to send by logging on to AGC's website at and clicking on the "Senate Voting on Death Tax Elimination" link in the Hot Topics section. We are focusing our lobbying efforts on the following key Senators: Bob Kerrey (D-NE), John Breaux (D-LA), Chuck Robb (D-VA), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Max Cleland (D-GA), Evan Bayh (D-IN), Patty Murray (D-WA) Robert Torricelli (D-NJ), George Voinovich (R-OH), Lincoln Chafee (R-RI), Arlen Specter (R-PA), Jim Jeffords (R-VT), Ted Stevens (R-AK). 

Senate Approval of Enzi's Ergonomics Amendment Imminent: Today, Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) introduced his amendment to the FY 2001 Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations Act to prevent OSHA from making their ergonomics proposal final this year. An ergonomics vote is expected this evening. Senate Assistant Majority Leader Don Nickles (R-OK) announced late today that he expects the Ergo amendment to be approved. For more information, visit the AGC website at

AGC PAC Regional Meeting Update: The next AGC PAC Regional Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 29th, 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time, in San Francisco, California. Contractor and Chapter representatives from Regions IX and X will meet to discuss and allocate contributions for candidates and congressional races in their specific regions. For more information, please contact Sonja Simmons - 703/837-5386 or by e-mail at

Utilize Congress at Your Fingertips Located in the Member’s Only Section at to contact your Congressional Representatives.

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Jeffrey D. Shoaf
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Congressional Relations


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Construction Markets

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