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Construction Legislative Week In Review
From the Congressional Relations Staff
August 19, 1999
Volume 4, Issue 3
The Associated
General Contractors
of America
333 John Carlyle Street
Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 548-3118
(703) 837-5404 fax

Jeffrey D. Shoaf
Executive Director
Congressional Relations


Peter Loughlin
Construction Markets

Loren E. Sweatt
Procurement and

Phil Thoden
Tax & Fiscal Affairs

Patrick Wilson
Human Resources & Labor
Republicans Tout Tax Cuts Across the Country

Republican Members of Congress are taking their pro-tax cut message to their constituents over the August recess, trying to build public support for the $792 billion tax cut bill passed by Congress earlier this month. President Clinton has promised to veto the bill in early September. One provision in the bill of extreme importance to family-owned construction companies would gradually phase down and then fully eliminate the death tax.. AGC members should call the White House at (202) 456-1414 to let President Clinton know that the construction industry supports tax cuts and elimination of the death tax. Also, find out when your Congressman is hosting a town hall meeting and let him or her know you support the tax cut. For a list of these meetings, contact Phil Thoden with AGC. You can also write a letter to the editor of your local paper, your Congressman and Senators to let them know you support elimination of the death tax.

House to Vote on Managed Care Next Month:
When Congress returns in September, the House plans to consider managed care legislation that will contain some type of "right to sue" language for medical malpractice. AGC strongly opposes any attempt to extend liability to plans and employers as this will drive up the cost of health care premiums and force some employers to drop health care coverage.

President Clinton Signs WRDA 99:
President Clinton signed the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1999 on August 17th. The $6.3 billion WRDA authorizes water projects, programs, and policies for the Army Corps of Engineers. The House and Senate will begin working on a WRDA 2000 in September when Congress returns from the August recess. The WRDA 2000 is expected to include a replacement for the Harbor Maintenance Tax., which was found unconstitutional.

Military Construction Appropriations Bill Signed By President:
On August 17, President Clinton signed into law the Military Construction Appropriations Act 2000. This is the first of the 13 annual appropriations bills to be signed into law. Before Congress left for the August recess, the House passed 11 appropriations bills, while the Senate approved 9 bills. Two conference reports have been passed by the House and Senate and readied for President Clinton’s signature – Military Construction and Legislative Branch.

EPA Proposes Restrictive Watershed Program:
EPA announced a new program to regulate nonpoint source emissions. The new proposal requires states to rank impaired waters within a state. From these rankings, the state must determine the "total maximum daily loads" (TMDLs) or the maximum amount of pollutant a body of water can absorb and maintain water quality standards. This potentially includes air emissions affecting ground water as well. EPA would have final approval of a state’s TMDL budget. If EPA does not approve a state’s proposed budget, then the federal government would oversee a state’s watershed program.

Construction Industry Payment Protection Act Signed:
In a flurry of pre-vacation signing, H.R. 1219, the Construction Industry Payment Protection Act was signed into law. Now Public Law 106-49 regulations making the change in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) will appear within the next 60 days.

Record Keeping Proposal Presses Forward: (Chairman Talent Will Send Letter to OSHA)
Despite a busy schedule before the August recess, House Small Business Committee Chairman Jim Talent (R-MO) plans to move ahead with his Congressional Letter to Assistant Labor Secretary Charles Jeffress. Chairman Talent has been concerned for some time that OSHA intends to issue a new standard for the Recording and Reporting of Accidents and Injuries in the workplace without sufficient input from contractors and small businesses. The House letter will be sent to Jeffress when Congress returns to Washington in early September.

AGC has been working for more than four years to ensure that whatever standard is ultimately promulgated protects the rights of contractors to administer their own job sites and serves to make workplaces safer. Members are urged to Contact their Member of Congress and urge them to sign the TALENT letter on record keeping. To reach your Representative, call the capitol switchboard at (202) 225-3121.

AGC has moved to 333 John Carlyle Street, 
Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314.
Phone: (703) 548-3118, Fax: (703) 837-5407.

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