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July 17, 2000
Volume 6, Issue 28

Senate Approves Elimination of the Death Tax and Again Kills Gas Tax Repeal!!!

This morning, the Senate approved H.R. 8, the Death Tax Elimination Act, by a vote 59-39! This is a major victory for all family-owned construction company members of AGC. Thanks to all Senators who voted for the bill and thanks, also, to all AGC members who have called, written, faxed and visited Congress on this issue!

The death tax provisions in H.R. 8 are identical to those that passed the House in June. While several amendments were attached to H.R. 8 during Senate debate, they were stripped before final passage of the bill. Therefore, no conference committee with the House is required. The bill will be sent directly to President Clinton for signature or veto. Four Republicans voted against the bill , while nine Democrats joined the majority.

Senate Vote on H.R. 8:

YEAS---59 Abraham, Allard, Ashcroft, Bennett, Bond, Breaux, Brownback, Bunning, Burns, Campbell, Cleland, Cochran, Collins, Coverdell, Craig, Crapo, DeWine, Domenici, Enzi, Feinstein, Fitzgerald, Frist, Gorton, Gramm, Grams, Grassley, Gregg, Hagel, Hatch, Helms, Hutchison (TX), Inhofe, Kyl, Landrieu, Lincoln, Lott, Lugar, Mack, McCain, McConnell, Murkowski, Murray, Nickles, Robb, Roberts, Roth, Santorum, Sessions, Shelby, Smith (NH), Smith (OR), Snowe, Stevens, Thomas, Thompson, Thurmond, Torricelli, Warner, Wyden.

Akaka, Baucus, Bayh, Biden, Bingaman, Boxer, Bryan, Byrd, Chafee, Conrad, Dodd, Dorgan, Durbin, Edwards, Feingold, Graham, Harkin, Hollings, Inouye, Jeffords, Johnson, Kennedy, Kerrey, Kerry, Kohl, Lautenberg, Leahy, Levin, Lieberman, Lincoln, Mikulski, Moynihan, Reed, Reid, Rockefeller, Sarbanes, Schumer, Specter, Voinovich, Wellstone.

Not Voting---2
Daschle, Hutchinson (R).

AGC Triumphant in Defeating Gas Tax Repeal Legislation in the Senate: The Senate by a vote of 40 to 59 defeated Senator Spencer Abraham's (R-MI) legislation to repeal/suspend the entire federal gas tax (18.4 cents) and diesel tax (24.4 cents) for 150 days. The legislation was offered as an amendment to a bill to repeal the Death Tax. AGC members again turned up the heat on Senators and again reinforced the importance of not tampering with the Highway Trust Fund. With every win comes a stronger message to not "mess with the Highway Trust Fund." The 59 votes against repealing the gas tax included 44 Democrats (Sen. Dodd (D-CT) did not vote) and 15 Republicans. The Republicans that voted against repeal are the following: Craig Thomas (R-WY), Pat Roberts (R-KS), Michael Enzi (R-WY), Chuck Hagel (R-NE), George Voinovich (R-OH), Susan Collins (R-ME), Mike DeWine (R-OH), Thad Cochran (R-MS), Conrad Burns (R-MT), Pete Domenici (R-NM), John Warner (R-VA), Kit Bond (R-MO), Lincoln Chafee (R-RI), Jim Jeffords (R-VT), Tim Hutchinson (R-AR). Senator Abraham (R-MI) may attempt to add this proposal to another bill as early as next week.

Thank you to all AGC members that contacted their Senators. Your phone calls, letters, faxes, and e-mails paid off. With this vote AGC establishes a stronger precedent to not touch the Highway Trust Fund. 

AGC Testifies on Bid Listing Legislation: Heavy Industrial Division Chairman Douglas E. Barnhart, CEO of douglas e. barnhart, inc., testified on H.R. 4012, Federal Bid Listing Legislation. AGC opposes H.R. 4012 because it is harmful to the prime contractor, subcontractor and the government's construction program. Mr. Barnhart testified that this legislation "is unwarranted government interference in the contractual relationship between the prime contractor and the subcontractor". A copy of Mr. Barnhart's full statement is available on the AGC website ,

EPA Administrator Browner Signs TMDL Rule: Against the express wishes of Congress, EPA Administrator Browner signed the total maximum daily load (TMDL) regulation to be printed in the Federal Register today. The rule does not require offset provisions for construction, but it does not preclude states from requiring offsets from construction. The TMDL rule requires states to inventory watershed pollutants, then prescribe offset solutions. AGC opposed the rule's construction offset requirements and remains concerned about the implementation at the state level.

Prompt Pay Rate: The Prompt pay contract disputes rate for July 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 is 7.25% per annum.

Utilize Congress at Your Fingertips Located in the Member’s Only Section at to contact your Congressional Representatives.

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Jeffrey D. Shoaf
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Congressional Relations


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Construction Markets

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