House Minimum Wage Package Unveiled
Bill includes Estate Tax Relief

Bipartisian minimum wage bill includes estate tax relief. The Wage and Employment Growth Act of 1999 (H.R. 3081) has been introduced in the House calling for an increase in the minimum wage by $1 over three years and providing $34.3 billion in tax relief. The major tax provision in the bill provides for $16.3 billion in estate and gift tax relief over five years. The principal components of the proposal include:

The White House characterized the bill as a "flawed approach" since it contains "huge tax breaks" that are unrelated to the wage increase and increases the minimum wage over a three year period instead of two. Congressional Democrats attacked the measure as "too little and too loaded down with special interest tax breaks". House Minority Whip David Bonior (D-MI) said, "This issue is too important to working families and should not become a backdoor to a slush fund for special interest."

House Ways and Means Committee postpones markup of minimum wage tax provisions. The House Ways and Means Committee has delayed marking up the tax portion of the minimum wage bill as the House Republican leadership attempts to address concerns raised by Republicans. In order to craft a bill that will have enough support to pass the House, the leadership is engaged in discussions to address concerns about the phase-in schedule of the minimum wage increase and the size of the tax cuts.

Japan to push anti-dumping laws in World Trade Organization (WTO) trade talks. David Aaron, Undersecretary of Commerce for international trade, criticized Japan for attempting to block the new trade round by pushing to include discussions of antidumping laws. Aaron said the Japanese account for over half of the dumping cases filed in the United States. Aaron said, "Their number one goal raises questions as to their real commitment to launching this round, and whether they would rather see it not happen than to see it successfully launched. They [Japan] don't have any positive goals for this round."

"Gingrich is gone, Starr is gone:
a guy can't have any fun in this town."
Democratic strategist James Carville

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