Estate Taxes

Family businesses created nearly 8 of every 10 new jobs (78%) from 1977 to 1990.

Study of Nearly 1,000 Family Business Owners

A. Method and Sample Characteristics

  • Table 1 - Profile of Respondents
  Entire Sample (n=967) Family Agri-businesses (n=39)
Business and Owner Characteristics:
Owner or Co-owner of the business 100% 100%
Owners consider the business to be a family business 95% 97%
Business in the family two or more generations 81% 79%
Media year business founded 1953 1954
Median age of business owner 51 53
Average annual gross revenues $39.7 million $23.9 million
Median annual gross revenues $15.0 million $10.0 million
Average number of employees 190 105
Median number of employees 81 47
Average annual payroll $10.4 million $2.8 million
Estate Characteristics and planning efforts:
Average business' estimated market value $20.7 million (n=554 of 967) $7.3 million
(n=25 of 39)
Average owner's total estate $58.7 million (n=519 of 967) $16.1 million
(n=24 of 39)
Median owner's total estate $11.7 million $7.3 million
Have basic will 92% 95%
Estate planning beyond basic will 86% 87%
Median time working with family on estate plan 5 years 10 years
Median time working with advisors on estate plan 5 years 5 years
Past experience with estate taxes:
Paid estate taxes on the estate of the previous generation 38%
(n=282 of 745)
(n=13 of 30)
Median year estate settled 1984 1985
Collective impact of responding firms:
Annual gross revenues $38.4 billion $739.7 million
Total employment 183,600 4,100
Total payroll $10.1 billion $72.2 million