Bill Summary & Status for the 106th Congress


Sponsor: Rep Frank, Barney(introduced 2/25/1999)
Latest Major Action: 3/12/1999 Referred to House subcommittee
Title: To amend title II of the Social Security Act to restrict the application of the windfall elimination provision to individuals whose combined monthly income from benefits under such title and other monthly periodic payments exceeds $2,000 and to provide for a graduated implementation of such provision on amounts above such $2,000 amount.
Jump to: Titles, Status, Committees, Related Bill Details, Amendments, Cosponsors, Summary

TITLE(S):  (italics indicate a title for a portion of a bill)
STATUS: (color indicates Senate actions)
Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.
Referred to the Subcommittee on Social Security.





COSPONSORS(140), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]:     (Sort: by date)

Rep Abercrombie, Neil - 6/7/1999 Rep Ackerman, Gary L. - 2/25/1999
Rep Allen, Thomas H. - 3/17/1999 Rep Andrews, Robert E. - 4/12/1999
Rep Baca, Joe - 6/26/2000 Rep Baird, Brian - 9/22/1999
Rep Baldacci, John Elias - 6/26/2000 Rep Barcia, James A. - 2/29/2000
Rep Bereuter, Doug - 4/10/2000 Rep Berkley, Shelley - 9/15/1999
Rep Berman, Howard L. - 6/20/2000 Rep Bishop, Sanford D. Jr. - 4/15/1999
Rep Blumenauer, Earl - 1/27/2000 Rep Bonior, David E. - 9/23/1999
Rep Boswell, Leonard L. - 5/2/2000 Rep Brown, Corrine - 6/6/2000
Rep Brown, George E., Jr. - 4/12/1999 Rep Brown, Sherrod - 4/12/1999
Rep Bryant, Ed - 1/27/2000 Rep Capps, Lois - 3/22/2000
Rep Carson, Julia - 7/20/1999 Rep Clement, Bob - 6/15/1999
Rep Cook, Merrill - 5/2/2000 Rep Coyne, William J. - 6/8/1999
Rep Cramer, Robert E. (Bud) Jr. - 6/15/1999 Rep Crowley, Joseph - 2/25/1999
Rep Davis, Danny K. - 7/27/2000 Rep Davis, Thomas M. - 2/25/1999
Rep DeFazio, Peter A. - 2/25/1999 Rep Delahunt, William D. - 3/4/1999
Rep DeLauro, Rosa L. - 2/1/2000 Rep Deutsch, Peter - 8/2/1999
Rep Dicks, Norman D. - 5/11/1999 Rep Dixon, Julian C. - 2/25/1999
Rep Doyle, Michael F. - 6/26/2000 Rep Engel, Eliot L. - 3/23/2000
Rep Evans, Lane - 2/25/1999 Rep Filner, Bob - 3/16/1999
Rep Foley, Mark - 1/27/2000 Rep Frost, Martin - 2/25/1999
Rep Gejdenson, Sam - 2/25/1999 Rep Gekas, George W. - 10/19/2000
Rep Gilman, Benjamin A. - 2/25/1999 Rep Goode, Virgil H., Jr. - 7/29/1999
Rep Gordon, Bart - 4/12/1999 Rep Hall, Ralph M. - 4/20/1999
Rep Hastings, Alcee L. - 3/24/1999 Rep Hill, Baron P. - 2/29/2000
Rep Hilliard, Earl F. - 4/28/1999 Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. - 1/27/2000
Rep Hoeffel, Joseph M. - 3/11/1999 Rep Holden, Tim - 10/5/1999
Rep Holt, Rush D. - 9/8/1999 Rep Hooley, Darlene - 7/24/2000
Rep Hyde, Henry J. - 9/6/2000 Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila - 3/8/2000
Rep Johnson, Nancy L. - 4/12/1999 Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. - 7/12/2000
Rep Kanjorski, Paul E. - 10/24/2000 Rep Kaptur, Marcy - 3/4/1999
Rep Kennedy, Patrick J. - 9/21/1999 Rep Kildee, Dale E. - 5/6/1999
Rep Klink, Ron - 5/16/2000 Rep Kucinich, Dennis J. - 2/25/1999
Rep Kuykendall, Steven T. - 9/6/2000 Rep LaHood, Ray - 9/13/1999
Rep Lantos, Tom - 4/20/1999 Rep LaTourette, Steve C. - 9/28/2000
Rep Lee, Barbara - 6/22/1999 Rep Lewis, John - 4/20/1999
Rep Lipinski, William O. - 5/16/2000 Rep LoBiondo, Frank A. - 9/6/2000
Rep Lofgren, Zoe - 5/13/1999 Rep Lowey, Nita M. - 11/4/1999
Rep Lucas, Ken - 4/20/1999 Rep Maloney, Carolyn B. - 5/13/1999
Rep Maloney, James H. - 3/29/2000 Rep Mascara, Frank - 1/27/2000
Rep Matsui, Robert T. - 5/16/2000 Rep McGovern, James P. - 2/25/1999
Rep McKinney, Cynthia A. - 9/26/2000 Rep McNulty, Michael R. - 3/16/2000
Rep Meeks, Gregory W. - 9/26/2000 Rep Menendez, Robert - 6/23/1999
Rep Miller, George - 9/11/2000 Rep Mink, Patsy T. - 6/7/1999
Rep Moakley, John Joseph - 5/19/2000 Rep Moran, James P. - 2/25/1999
Rep Morella, Constance A. - 2/25/1999 Rep Nadler, Jerrold - 1/27/2000
Rep Ney, Robert W. - 2/25/1999 Rep Norton, Eleanor Holmes - 2/25/1999
Rep Oberstar, James L. - 6/23/1999 Rep Olver, John W. - 2/25/1999
Rep Ortiz, Solomon P. - 5/26/1999 Rep Pallone, Frank, Jr. - 2/25/1999
Rep Pascrell, Bill, Jr. - 2/16/2000 Rep Paul, Ron - 7/21/1999
Rep Payne, Donald M. - 10/26/1999 Rep Pelosi, Nancy - 9/8/1999
Rep Peterson, Collin C. - 2/25/1999 Rep Pickett, Owen B. - 6/14/1999
Rep Quinn, Jack - 6/23/1999 Rep Rahall, Nick J., II - 2/25/1999
Rep Rangel, Charles B. - 3/8/2000 Rep Reyes, Silvestre - 9/6/2000
Rep Rivers, Lynn N. - 5/25/1999 Rep Romero-Barcelo, Carlos A. - 2/25/1999
Rep Rothman, Steve R. - 11/2/1999 Rep Roukema, Marge - 2/29/2000
Rep Roybal-Allard, Lucille - 11/16/1999 Rep Sanders, Bernard - 1/27/2000
Rep Sandlin, Max - 4/12/1999 Rep Sawyer, Tom - 9/6/2000
Rep Saxton, Jim - 3/8/2000 Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. - 3/24/1999
Rep Sherman, Brad - 2/25/1999 Rep Shows, Ronnie - 2/25/1999
Rep Sisisky, Norman - 3/22/1999 Rep Smith, Adam - 2/25/1999
Rep Smith, Christopher H. - 2/8/2000 Rep Strickland, Ted - 2/25/1999
Rep Stump, Bob - 7/13/1999 Rep Stupak, Bart - 4/26/1999
Rep Thompson, Mike - 2/29/2000 Rep Thurman, Karen L. - 4/12/1999
Rep Tierney, John F. - 6/9/1999 Rep Towns, Edolphus - 7/17/2000
Rep Traficant, James A., Jr. - 2/25/1999 Rep Udall, Mark - 3/27/2000
Rep Udall, Tom - 10/18/1999 Rep Vento, Bruce F. - 3/4/1999
Rep Visclosky, Peter J. - 5/23/2000 Rep Watt, Melvin L. - 3/18/1999
Rep Waxman, Henry A. - 2/25/1999 Rep Weiner, Anthony D. - 2/7/2000
Rep Weller, Jerry - 10/17/2000 Rep Wexler, Robert - 2/25/1999
Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. - 3/4/1999 Rep Wynn, Albert Russell - 2/25/1999


Amends title II (Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance) of the Social Security Act to: (1) restrict the application of the windfall elimination provision to individuals whose combined monthly income from the individual's primary insurance amount under such title and the portion of the monthly periodic payment attributable to noncovered service performed after 1956 exceeds $2,000; and (2) provide for a graduated implementation of such provision by specified percentages with respect to incremental amounts above such threshold, up to 100 percent for combined amounts over $3,000.