Press Release, Committee on Resources, U.S. Congress
Contact: Steve Hansen ( (202) 225-7749 or
Arturo Silva ( (202) 225-4063
To: National Desk/Environmental Reporter
October 2, 2000

FYI . . . The following statement was issued today, October 2nd, by the Izaak Walton League of America


The Conservation & Reinvestment Act (CARA), passed by the House with a 3-to-1 majority, has the support of nearly two-thirds of the Senate and would provide critically important funding for our nation's environment and natural resources.

The Lands Legacy Trust Fund (LLTF), included in the Interior Appropriations conference report, would not provide this support and is not a substitute for conservation funding provisions in CARA. The agreement does not guarantee predictable multi-year funding for LWCF, state wildlife programs or other accounts, which is so critical to wildlife management and land conservation efforts.

The Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA), along with millions of other Americans, has fought for years for secure and predictable funding for Land & Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), wildlife conservation and other natural resource programs. Americans want a land and wildlife concervation trust fund, the League remains determined to work to enact a real bill in this Congress.

Given the uncommon level of bipartisan support for this bill, the House and Senate leadership should not allow a handful of members to stop this legislation. Majority Leader Lott should not ignore 63 of his Senate colleagues request to allow them to vote on CARA now.

For more information, please check the House Committee on Resources Home Page at

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