Press Release, Committee on Resources, U.S. Congress
Contact: Steve Hansen ( (202) 225-7749 or
Arturo Silva ( (202) 225-4063
To: National Desk/Environmental Reporter
November 3, 1999

Landmark Conservation & Recreation Legislation
Scheduled For Markup;

Bipartisan Compromise Effort Would Merge
"Conservation & Reinvestment Act" & "Resources 2000" Bills

Washington, D.C. - Landmark legislation which would increase funding for national conservation and recreation programs and resolve several inequities regarding the disposition of funds generated from Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) activities will be marked up by the U.S. House Committee on Resources next week.

U.S. Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska), the Chairman of the Resources Committee, said the markup will be on compromise legislation drafted by the sponsors of:

The markup is scheduled for Tuesday, November 9 or Wednesday, November 10, depending on the House schedule. Young said a draft of the compromise legislation will be distributed to Members and the public later today for review. The new legislation can be viewed at:

As drafted, the new legislation would provide annual dedicated funding for the following:

Program Annual Funding Level

"This legislation will provide increased funding for habitat and wildlife conservation programs and urban parks," Young said. "It also provide new funding to our coastal states for important programs to protect coastal ecosystems. Every state in the nation will benefit from this historic bill.

"In the next week, we still have a lot of work to do," Young said. "This is a good bill but some members may seek amendments. I'm hopeful that we can resolve all concerns prior to the markup."

"This legislation provides unprecedented and permanent support for America's natural resources," said U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), senior Democrat on the Committee. "As with any complex bill, we have had to balance many viewpoints to craft this bill. But the bottom line is that we have agreed on an historic package that provides permanent protection to our national resources, and we need to work together to pass it."

"I want to commend all of the negotiators for reaching agreement on some very difficult issues," said U.S. Rep. John Dingell (D-MI). "While a couple of issues are unresolved, the nation's strong desire for land, water, and wildlife conservation should encourage the Resources Committee to approve a good bill next week."

"It has taken a tremendous effort from all the Members involved to forge a consensus document that reflects multiple conservation objectives and concerns," said U.S. Rep. Chris John (D-LA). "I look forward to working with the Chairman and the Ranking Member to mark up this historic proposal through the Committee next week."

"Our national park system is one of the best ideas that America has ever had," said U.S. Rep. Bruce Vento (D-MN). "This bipartisan effort goes beyond protecting the crown jewels, and empowers local communities to fulfill the growing demand for park and recreation resources close to home. Whether it's the need for new soccer fields, wildlife refuges or picnic areas, this funding will be there to help protect our outstanding national forests and lands."

"This bill is the result of bi-partisan efforts to protect our natural resources for today as well as future generations," said U.S. Rep. Tom Udall (D-CO). "I look forward to working with my colleagues to making this legislation a reality."

The House Resources Committee has established an email address for those wishing to express comments on the legislation. People who would like to submit comments or recommendations can send them to:

For more information, please check the House Committee on Resources Home Page at

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