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Honorable John D. Dingell
Michigan, 16th District
Press Release
January 12, 1999


WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representative John D. Dingell issued the following statement in response to the President's unveiling today of the "Lands Legacy Initiative."

"The President has put forward a credible -- if lean -- proposal that will invest needed dollars within our National Parks, Wildlife Refuges and other lands across the nation.  I am hopeful that the President will see fit to work with the bipartisan group in Congress (myself, Chairman Young, Chairman Murkowski and Senator Landrieu included) to advance his priorities while placing a larger emphasis on restoring wildlife species that have not gained enough protection under existing federal conservation programs.

I am very pleased that the President insisted on including in his proposal a plan to create a permanent funding stream for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).  I fought hard for this provision in the House bill introduced last year, and believe that such a provision will fulfill the legacy intended by those of us who helped create the fund in the 1960s.

While I recognize fully the constraints of maintaining a balanced federal budget, I believe strongly that, for too many years this nation has failed to invest adequately to meet our tremendous conservation needs.  In these days following the 25th anniversary of the enactment of the Endangered Species Act, I intend to convince the Administration and my Congressional colleagues to think big for wildlife in 1999."


CONTACT: Mike Greene (202) 225-4071

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