Chris Ann Goddard
CGPR, 203/838-8841
Frank Hugelmeyer
ORCA, 303/444-3353, Ext. 103


Outdoor industry lobbying efforts result in $12 billion in new conversation and recreation spending over next six years

BOULDER, Colo. (October 10, 2000) - Marking a year of strenuous lobbying efforts in Washington, D.C., ORCA, the trade association for the $5 billion outdoor industry, today celebrated the Senate's passage last Friday of legislation creating a new $12 billion trust for land conservation and recreation programs. This new 6-year program, called the Land Conservation, Preservation and Infrastructure Improvement Trust, was included in the spending bill for the Department of the Interior. The President is expected to sign the bill in the next several weeks.

"This is a huge achievement for our industry and future generations," said Frank Hugelmeyer, president of ORCA. "Our work to ensure investments in recreation will continue with the new administration. Twelve billion dollars over 6 years is a tremendous beginning towards our goal of increased and guaranteed dollars for buying and taking care of parks, open space and wild lands in our urban, community, and backcountry regions. We applaud the efforts of Myrna Johnson, ORCA's vice president of government affairs, and the active vocal membership of ORCA."

The Land Conservation, Preservation and Infrastructure Improvement Trust funds many of the programs included in the original Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA), legislation that guaranteed $45 billion in conservation funding over 15 years.

Specifically, the Trust will help buy parks and open space through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). It also provides dollars for maintaining recreational facilities on public lands, and coastal, wildlife and urban parks and historic preservation programs.

During the past year, ORCA organized the outdoor industry's leaders and companies into an active coalition that worked in tandem with many in the conservation community toward passage of this landmark legislation.

"ORCA and its coalition won a number of victories against vociferous opponents in an especially tough legislative environment," said ORCA's Johnson. "While this bill does not guarantee dollars for 15 years, as CARA did, this legislation provides a significant foundation for the future," she continued.

ORCA was founded in 1989 and today has over 1100 members representing manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, retailers, sales representatives, and climbing gyms. ORCA's projects support the day-to-day business of the outdoor industry and include: the bimonthly Top-line Retail Sales Report, presenting retail sales by product category; the State of the Industry Report, summarizing outdoor participation and trend data; representation in Washington on key outdoor issues; the annual ORCA Outdoor Industry Rendezvous and cost-saving benefits. ORCA is headquartered in Boulder, Colorado.


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