Executive Director David Secunda Resigns From ORCA

Organization is financially sound and poised for future growth

ORCA’s executive director, Dave Secunda, will resign from the organization effective January 31, 1999, according to an announcement issued by Dunham Gooding, ORCA board president and president of the American Alpine Institute.

Secunda plans to start an internet e-commerce company that will specialize in outdoor equipment and apparel. Serving as executive director for almost seven years, Secunda, 35, leaves the 10-year-old human-powered outdoor recreation trade association in financially sound condition. Its membership is at an all-time high of 1,200 manufacturers, retailers, outdoor educators, and suppliers of trail sports, mountain sports, and paddle sports equipment and apparel. ORCA, founded in 1989, is dedicated to fostering the human powered recreation industry. It is widely respected for its premier research and government affairs work, including a comprehensive State-of-the-Industry report issued every year, which reviews in detail the growth trends and changes in the $5 billion dollar outdoor industry.

"Through David's strategic vision, the association is stronger than it has ever been and is making substantial progress in reaching its annual and long-term goals," said Gooding. "Under David's direction, ORCA grew from 90 members and a budget of less than $100,000 annually, to a strong trade association with a million dollar budget, a healthy reserve fund, and 10 full-time staff. ORCA has comprehensive government affairs, research, and consumer safety programs underway."

Gooding continues, "As a result, ORCA has a significant presence nationally and is respected not only in the halls of business, but in the halls of government. We wish David well and thank him for his leadership."

Skip Yowell, ORCA's longest-standing board member and vice president of JanSport, Appleton, Wis., credits Secunda's annual Outdoor Industry Rendezvous, a gathering of outdoor industry business leaders, and the 1994 National Summit on Outdoor Recreation, with helping ORCA to become the world's largest outdoor trade organization.

Adds Steve Barker, vice president of the ORCA board and president of Eagle Creek, "Thanks to Dave, ORCA achieved a leadership position as the voice of the outdoor industry. He implemented a number of market and participation research studies that provide a snapshot of the expansion of the outdoor recreation industry. ORCA activities initiated under his watch help fuel the growth of the business."

Norma Hansen, director of programs, who has been at ORCA six years, will serve as acting executive director. Hansen, 34, joined ORCA as assistant director in 1993, following positions at La Sportiva and Lowe Alpine Systems, two respected brands in the outdoor industry. In June 1998 she was awarded the new title of director of programs, which includes responsibility for managing market research, specialty groups, and ORCA's annual Outdoor Industry Rendezvous & Conference.

Dunham Gooding, ORCA board president and president of the American Alpine Institute, announced the executive search firm of McCormack & Associates has been retained to immediately initiate the search for Secunda's replacement. The firm, known for its expertise in the outdoor industry, has offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Adam Forest and Adrienne Graf, partners at McCormack & Associates, will handle the search.


"By using a professional search firm, we're optimistic we'll soon find a highly qualified candidate who shares our vision of what ORCA is capable of accomplishing in the coming years," Gooding said. McCormack & Associates is located in San Francisco at 415 421 3300; adam@innercite.com or adrienne@innercite.com. For more information: www.orca.org.

Hi-Tec To Partner With ORCA On 1999 Outdoor WebNews

Hi-Tec and ORCA announced a 1999 collaboration to bring the industry a weekly e-mail publication covering the latest outdoor recreation news on the web. Outdoor WebNews is the cutting edge resource for easily staying on top of the growing wave of pertinent business information on the Internet.

Each Tuesday an extensive search of the World Wide Web takes place identifying news about outdoor recreation (everything from climbing to kayaking), as well as key companies and individuals in the industry. A brief summary of the article, along with the URL of the complete story will be provided. This information will then be sent via e-mail to subscribers. Over 100 ORCA members have subscribed in November and December.

This service will allow the outdoor industry to quickly review the huge amount of news that is being posted on a daily basis on the web, without spending time performing daily searches or maintaining lengthy query lists.

All independent Hi-Tec dealers will receive a one-year free subscription to the service, complements of Hi-Tec. "We know that this service will give our dealers relevant, focused information that will support their businesses," said Pam Aberle, Hi-Tec’s Director of Marketing. "Outdoor WebNews provides solid resources for business planning, as well as great news items to pass on to customers and staff."

Hi-Tec independent retailers will receive information in the mail in January regarding their free subscription. Others can subscribe to Outdoor WebNews for $60/year for ORCA members, or $120/year for non-members. The company names of all paid subscribers will be added to the weekly search criteria. Anyone who is interested in seeing a sample issue can e-mail webnews@orca.org with the words "free sample" in the subject line.

"We are very pleased to be working with Hi-Tec on this groundbreaking project," stated David Secunda, ORCA’s Executive Director. "Outdoor WebNews has been very favorably received. Hi-Tec’s support will allow us to add numerous new features like an industry calendar, job listings, stock quotes and much more."



September-October 1998 Specialty Store Sales Down By 12% In Dollars Compared To Last Year

The latest issue of the Top-line Report, ORCA’s retail audit, shows total specialty sales for September-October 1998 were $233 million. During this same two-month period in 1997, sales were $264 million. Compared to last year’s September-October period, specialty stores experienced a decline in apparel of 21% with a slight increase in equipment sales. The average retail selling price jumped up to $40 compared to $24 in July-August, when stores were taking their end-of-season markdowns. The November-December Top-line Report will be available at the end of January. Hopefully, this issue will show an increase in sales to compensate for this downturn. We’ll keep you posted.

Bar Chart: This chart compares specialty store sales in September-October 1997

with September-October 1998.

September-October 1997 = $264,000,000

September-October 1998 = $233,000,000


FAQs About ORCA’s Top Line Report

Other industries, including ski and in-line skating, have enjoyed accessing this type of market data for years. Now, the outdoor industry is on the same playing field when it comes to knowing how our products sell at retail. This information is most valuable if ORCA members use the data to help run their businesses. Here are the answers to two more frequently asked questions:

For specialty stores, the Ending Inventory Units of each product category is listed. What does this mean?

End-period inventory is the number of units in inventory at the retail stores at the end of each reporting period. The Executive Summary of each issue often mentions the number of months of inventory on-hand for a particular product category. This is calculated by dividing the number of units in inventory by the units sold for the current period. Given that selling rates remain constant, this number is an accurate prediction of how long the inventory will last. As we continue to collect comparison data, members using the Top-line Report can use seasonal fluctuations to adjust this inventory estimation.

What does YTD mean in the context of the Top-line Report?

YTD is an abbreviation for year-to-date. However, in the Top-line Report, YTD refers to the previous 12 months. With each issue, the oldest month’s data is dropped from the report and the newest month’s is added.

Subscribe To The Top-Line Report Today

The first six issues of the Top-line Report were available free of charge to members. Starting with the July-August 1998 issues, the six-issues of the report became available for a low fee of $300 for ORCA members and $600 for non-members. On our recent member survey, our members indicated market data as an important focus for ORCA. We’re pleased to offer such cutting-edge information. Please access this important data and subscribe today. Call ORCA today at 303/444-3353 to order the Top-line Report.



ORCA Praises President’s Land Legacy Proposal (Heading)

Initiative will increase recreation opportunities and preserve America’s great

places and beautiful landscapes (sub-head)

ORCA praised President Clinton for his proposal to provide $1 billion for land preservation and state and community level conservation projects, primarily through increased funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). This initiative, along with the open space and urban sprawl programs announced by Vice President Gore yesterday, renews America’s stewardship of our magnificent natural heritage, invests in our children’s health and quality of life, and provides solutions for urban sprawl -- a natural resource issue that has the potential to dramatically change America’s landscape. It is a fitting program for the new millenium.

ORCA has a long-term goal of rejuvenating the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), a fund designed to purchase parks and open space for the American people, using royalties from off-shore drilling. The federal LWCF program has been under-funded, and the state grant program has received no funds at all for 4 years. In his announcement today, the President recommended significant funding for both of these programs and more in the year FY 2000.

According to David Secunda, ORCA’s Executive Director, "The Lands Legacy Initiative is a major leap forward for land conservation and for providing quality recreation opportunities in America. The outdoor recreation industry looks forward to working with the Administration and Congress not only to achieve these funding levels in the year 2000, but also to create a permanent funding program for the future. We can’t imagine a more appropriate initiative to bring in the new millenium."

The outdoor recreation industry joined conservation and environmental groups to urge the President to consider such a program as he created his FY 2000 budget. John Berry, Assistant Secretary of Interior, championed the program. In a letter to President Clinton on Nov. 23, 13 ORCA-member CEOs joined ORCA Executive Director David Secunda in asking the President to "include in his legacy as President a significant conservation initiative for the new millenium." Signers encouraged the President to "include rejuvenation of the Land and Water Conservation Fund as a cornerstone of such an initiative."

ORCA is particularly encouraged because House and Senate initiatives by Representative Young (R-AK) and Dingell (D-MI) and Senators Murkowski (R-AK) and Landrieu (D-LA) would also provide increased funding for both the state and federal Land and Water Conservation Fund programs. The congressional proposals differ from the Administration’s on many details, but provide an opportunity for collaboration between the Administration and Congress on this important program.

ORCA/RPS Freight Program

Introducing ORCA’s improved member advantage

Since the purchase of RPS by FedEx, an improved service culture has emerged. As a result, RPS has made many service and technological improvements resulting in reduced transit times, greater on-time service as well as new manifest and EDI products.

For those of you not familiar with the ORCA/RPS Freight Program, it is a freight cost reduction plan enabling small and medium size companies greater control of their small package bound and inbound shipping discounts with RPS-the largest non-union small pacakge carrier in the United States.

The ORCA/RPS Freight Program has the potential of saving you thousands of dollars! The best new is…it’s free! Your ORCA membership qualifies you to participate in this program.

For further details and information on how to register for your RPS discounts, contact Siriani & Associates, your ORCA/RPS Freight Program Administrators, at 800-554-0005

AORE Transition Update

Last month we announced that the Association of Outdoor Recreation & Education (AORE), would become its own non-profit professional association by January 1st. To ensure a smooth transition and that the needs of AORE members will be met, Rob Jones, president of AORE, is interviewing association management companies. ORCA will continue to maintain AORE’s membership information until the best management company is in place. We will keep you informed on the progress of this transition.

13th Annual International Conference on Outdoor Recreation & Education,ICORE 1999

"On the Edge: Discovery, Reappraisal and Innovation"

Save the Date! ICORE will be held this year at the Snow King Resort, Jackson Hole Wyoming, from November 2-7, 1999. Conference hosts: Clemson University and Idaho State University. Sponsored by AORE.

Currently there is a call for presenters and vendors. To receive a proposal form or registration information, please contact Rick Harwell, Conference Coordinator, at 864-656-2231, or email Wharwel@Clemson.edu. See you in Jackson Hole!

Your NewsFlash Distribution Preference–Electronic or Mail

With the December issue of the NewsFlash, we informed our members that we would eliminate the fax broadcast distribution beginning with the January issue. Our member survey indicated that a majority of you prefer to receive your NewsFlash via e-mail or mail. If you were previously receiving the NewsFlash via fax and did not submit an e-mail address to ORCA, your NewsFlash will now be distributed via the mail. If you prefer to receive the NewsFlash via e-mail, please provide us with your e-mail address. Please send your request to info@orca.org.

OR Winter Market 1999 ORCA Meeting Schedule

Unless otherwise indicated, all ORCA meetings will be held at the Marriott, across the street from the Salt Palace. Please note changes from last month's News Flash.

Friday, January 29th

ORCA Executive Comm 3pm - 3:30pm Marriott

ORCA Board of Directors 3:30pm - 6pm Marriott

Saturday, January 30th

Water Filters Standards 7:30am - 9am Marriott

ORCA Member Reception 5pm - 6pm ORCA Booth 3610

Sunday, January 31st

Tent Standards 7:30am - 9am Marriott

CWIG Board of Directors 10am - 12pm Marriott

CWIG Membership 12:30pm - 2pm Marriott

Climbing Projects Update & Reception 3pm - 5pm LaSportiva/The North Face booth #219

Monday, February 1st

Sleeping Bag Standards 7:30am - 9am Marriott

CSG Board of Directors 8am - 9am Marriott

CGA Board of Directors 9:30am - 11:30am Marriott

Handhold Manufacturers 12:30pm - 2:30pm Marriott

CGA Membership 3pm - 4:30pm Marriott


Tuesday, February 2nd

Outdoor Book Council 8am - 9:30am Marriott

CGA Roundtable Discussion 9am - 11am Marriott

CGA Member Reception 11am - 12pm Marriott

CGA Board Follow-up 12:30am - 2pm Marriott


ORCA Introduces WebNews

In November, ORCA introduced a weekly e-mail publication covering the latest outdoor recreation news. This popular service (ORCA WebNews) already has 100 subscribers receiving up-to-date outdoor industry news. The e-mail publication is sent every Tuesday and is priced at $60 per year for members, and $120 per year for non-members. To receive a free sample issue, send an e-mail to webnews@orca.org and type in "free issue" in the subject line.

New Job Listing Service

Need to fill a position in the outdoor industry? Post it on ORCA’s new Job Listing Service. Go to www.orca.org/jobs and provide the vital information. Industry members can view new jobs from our home page. Additionally, a summary of all new listings will be included in each addition of ORCA WebNews.

Do you have news to share?

You can post industry news that will then be published weekly in ORCA WebNews. It's easy, and it's free. Simply visit www.orca.org/webnews and fill out the form on-line.

Hold The Date!

4th Annual Outdoor Industry Rendezvous & Conference

April 8th-11th, 1999–Sundance resort, Sundance, Utah

Visit ORCA at Booth #3610

Outdoor Retailer Winter Market ’99

January 30-February 2

New ORCA Members–December 1998



Camp Chef

Climb Time of Cincinnati

Coleman / Peak 1

Doug Nunn and Associates

Fun Challenge Inc.

Hooked On The Outdoors Magazine

Holiday Divers/ Divers Outlet / World Water Sports

Jagged Edge Mountain Gear

Lasertec of Nebraska

Long Climbing Equipment

New Heights

Oobe, Inc.

Pacific Marketing International / PMI


River Valley Club

Sammamish Club

Short Stay Navy Outdoor Rec Area


Tarponwear Int'l


TH Sales

The Alpine Experience

The Summit Group

The Zone dba The Mountain Zone


Travel Companies dbaFinger Lakes Celtic Corp dba Bermuda Golfing Holidays dba Capitol Hill Travel

Walt Disney World's Blizzard Beach

Waypoint Sales & Training



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