Karen Zawadzki
ORCA, 303/444-3353


ORCA Lobbying Efforts Victorious Again in D.C.

(BOULDER, Colo. July 27, 2000) - The Outdoor Recreation Coalition (ORCA), among other supporters, celebrated yet another victory in Washington yesterday for the Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA) after the Energy and Resources Committee voted in favor of bringing the legislation to floor of the senate.

"The passage of CARA is slated as ORCA's number one priority in 2000," said Myrna Johnson ORCA Government Affairs Director. "If enacted, CARA would guarantee nearly $3 billion a year in funding for outdoor programs from offshore oil and gas leases. "It is good for the industry, consumers, and America."

Prior to the vote, nine Democrats and one Republican on the committee favored the measure, but one additional Republican vote was essential for a victory. In the end, the measure received the support of not just one--but three more Republican Senators, resulting in a final 13-7 triumph.

"It's very good news to get a bipartisan bill out of this committee," says Johnson. "The next stop is the Senate floor. We are three-quarters of the way there!"

CARA is a bill similar to legislation co-authored by Congressmen George Miller (D-CA) that passed in the House in May. If CARA passes in the Senate, the differences in the bills will be settled in a House-Senate Conference Committee and then sent on to President Clinton, a longtime proponent of the legislation.

Says Congressman Miller, "This legislation redeems the promise of Congress to the American people to dedicate reliable funding for the protection and preservation of our resources: parks, marine and coastal areas, recreation, wildlife, and more. We are clearing each hurdle decisively, with thousands of organizations, newspapers, public officials, and grassroots activists enthusiastically cheering this bill on."

After a five-week recess, the Senate will reconvene for a month at which time the measure will hopefully see it's day on the floor. Although supporters anticipate that some of the bill's opponents will introduce amendments to cripple or kill the measure on the floor, Congressman Miller remains confident in light of yesterday's victory. "Passage by the Senate committee brings (this legislation) much closer to enactment. In fact, it creates a momentum that I think will be very difficult for a small minority in Congress to obstruct," he continued.

ORCA was founded in 1989 and today has over 1100 members representing manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, retailers, sales representatives, and climbing gyms. ORCA's projects support the day-to-day business of the outdoor industry and include: the bimonthly Top-line Retail Sales Report, presenting retail sales by product category; the State of the Industry Report, summarizing outdoor participation and trend data; representation in Washington on key outdoor issues; the annual ORCA Outdoor Industry Rendezvous and cost-saving benefits. ORCA's headquarters are located in Boulder, Colorado.


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