Land and Water Conservation Fund

The ORCA board identified passage of legislation that fully and permanently funds LWCF as its #1 priority for 2000. ORCA government affairs staff will devote most of its energy and resources on LWCF this year, and most of the projects and events listed at the end of this agenda will have an LWCF focus.

Background: Royalties from off-shore oil drilling are collected with the intention that they'll be used for acquisition of public land and open space via the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). However, in the last decade only a fraction of that money was actually spent for that purpose. This program is of keen importance to the outdoor recreation industry because it could be a major provider of new and quality recreation opportunities for the American people. This year we have a golden opportunity for increasing funding and ensuring a more ironclad funding source for LWCF. In November of 1999, the House Resources Committee approved landmark legislation that would set aside $2.8 billion annually to:

  • Fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund
  • Create parks and open space
  • Increase recreation opportunities
  • Protect backcountry and wilderness areas
  • Restore and maintain America's public lands; and
  • Create recreation programs in urban areas
  • End the need for the "backpack tax"

This is just one step in the legislative process. ORCA has worked hard to bring this $2.8 billion initiative this far, and we will work hard to pass this legislation this year.

Other Funding And Recreation Issues

In addition, ORCA government affairs staff will work with other recreation and conservation organizations on the following items:

Funding for Trail Maintenance and Recreation Management: Trail maintenance backlogs are almost insurmountable, and our national forests and parks are strapped for cash and personnel. The personnel shortage has resulted in less ability for agencies to manage for recreation, including fewer rangers on the trail. ORCA will urge Congress to increase appropriations for recreation management and trails.

Recreation User Fees: The recreation demonstration fee program ends in 2001. Under the demonstration program, the fees collected stay with the agencies, and have brought new resources for recreation to all of the public land agencies. Congress will be considering legislation in 2000 to make this program permanent. ORCA will urge Congress to involve the human-powered recreation user community in the program evaluation and in the discussion about whether the program should be made permanent.

Roadless Areas: ORCA will join existing coalitions and urge our membership to support the Heritage Forests campaign to save roadless areas in our national forests. Roadless areas are an incredible resource for hiking, climbing, and paddling. While the Administration's efforts to set aside these areas outside of the legislative process has raised the ire of many congressional leaders, the goal is laudable and should be supported.

Fixed Climbing Anchors In Wilderness: ORCA has been appointed a participant in a negotiated rulemaking conducted by the US Forest Service on the issue of the use of fixed anchors in Wilderness. The outcome of this rulemaking will have a large impact on climbing and the climbing industry, and will set the tone for other human-powered outdoor recreation access decisions in the future.


Taste Of The Outdoors: ORCA will work with the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA) to create a successful "Taste of the Outdoors" congressional reception and lobby days, including recruiting new CEOs to come to the event. The event will enable outdoor industry leaders to meet with their Members of Congress on issues of importance to the outdoor industry and to be a unified and successful presence in Washington, DC.

Human-powered Outdoor Recreation Coalition: While the motorized recreation voice has been unified, the non-motorized voice has often been missing. This year we plan to take a first step of simply conferring regularly by phone and formalizing existing relationships. This effort should reap benefits for our members and our consumers.

Regional Groups: ORCA will encourage the formation of regional groups of ORCA members. An emphasis on LWCF activities will be pursued this year.

Town Hall Meeting: We will partner with SGMA on the Town Hall Meeting. It is one of the highest visibility events at the Outdoor Retailer show, and is a good forum for dialogue amongst our membership and with policymakers.

Approved 1/00

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