[EBJ News Release Masthead]
May 25, 2000
Contact: Cedric Mobley at 202/225-8885 
The vote this week on Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) with China was critical.  Like no other, this vote was a signal to the world. It would either herald our continued leadership in global trade, or foretell our retreat into the failed policies of the mid-1900s. When President Clinton signed the Africa and Caribbean trade bill last week, America gained access to new markets.  Likewise, China PNTR expands export opportunities for Texas products. This means jobs, higher income and better conditions for our workers.  It also means job protection. Texas merchandise export sales to China in 1998 totaled $583 million, up 46% from 1993.  Export sales from Dallas to China totaled $92 million. We cannot afford to ignore the benefits to North Texas represented by the Chinese market.

Unfortunately, some in the labor movement have tried to use this as a “litmus test” or referendum on Members of Congress. However, this issue is a case of “lead, follow, or get out of the way.”  The world still looks to America to set the global pace, but other nations have clearly signaled that they will act in their own best interest.  Granting PNTR to China is not a vote against unions and labor. In fact, America’s leadership in global trade is the only way we can protect our workers.  Since my days as Chair of the Labor Committee in the Texas Legislature, I have fought to protect the rights of workers.  The labor movement must prepare for the new global economy and help us create high-tech, high wage jobs that will lift the standard of living for all of America’s workers.  Our refusal to extend trading privileges to China would not isolate China.  It would isolate America.  At the same time, it would ensure that American values regarding human rights, religious tolerance, working conditions and freedom never reach many parts of that country. If we do not provide the products needed in China, someone else will.  We must empower the people of China to gain their own wealth and improve their working standards just as the labor movement offered an opportunity for many segments of our society to ascend to the middle class.  Improved financial security will improve the position of the average Chinese worker to demand freedom and democracy. This issue could very well be the Emancipation Proclamation for workers in China.

If America is serious about helping the Chinese people, we must engage China through a variety of avenues, including commerce. Trade with China means jobs for North Texas, growth for Dallas-Fort Worth and the export of American values to the world’s most populous nation.  That is why I voted for permanent normal trade relations with China.  It opens a new door of prosperity for our community.

It continues to be a privilege to serve North Texas in the U.S. Congress.

##Selected news releases are now available on the Congresswoman’s website: http://www.house.gov/ebjohnson/##

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