Congressman Jerry Kleczka

For Immediate Release                                                                                 (202) 225-4572

Washington, D.C. - May 5, 2000 - Congressman Jerry Kleczka announced today his decision to continue to support annual review of China's trade status with the U.S. and oppose the granting of permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) at this time.  The announcement was made after the conclusion of a Ways and Means Committee hearing on the bilateral trade agreement.

"Trade with China is important," Kleczka said, "but we have to consider the costs of permanent normal trade relations.  I refuse to give an oppressive government carte blanche to abuse the rights of its citizens.  Annual review gives us the benefits of trade with China without causing the U.S. to turn a blind eye to its human rights violations, treatment of the environment, and use of forced prison labor and sweatshops.  By granting PNTR, the U.S. would surrender its only effective economic and political leverage to encourage change in China."

Kleczka has consistently voted in the past to grant China an annual extension of its normal trade relation status with the United States.  This annual review has allowed the U.S. to keep the spotlight on China and has brought to light its repeated violations of workers rights, including the use of forced labor.  China's human rights violations are well-documented, including the repression of religious and labor leaders, and state-sanctioned efforts to suppress all dissenters from voicing opposition to the government.  Annual review will also help ensure that the promises of this new trade agreement such as increased American jobs and market access, will be fulfilled.

"I've thought long and hard about this decision," Kleczka said.  "I continue to support trading with China, but I do not think it's wise to give up the little leverage we have under the yearly review.  If we grant permanent trade status, we send a message to China that our past protests have either been addressed or we were less than serious in our demands.  Neither is the case.  The annual review process is a valuable option we can use to encourage China to become a more responsible trading partner and to improve their human rights record."

A vote on granting PNTR to China is scheduled to occur the week of May 22nd.
