MOTOROLA AND TELECOMMUNICATION PRODUCTS IN CHINA -- (House of Representatives - May 23, 2000)

[Page: H3534]


   (Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

   Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, a recent ad placed by Motorola, and this is the ad, says, ``China is finally open for business, and America's factories are ready to respond to this historic opportunity to boost exports to China and support jobs at home.''

   Now, Motorola wants Congress to believe that it will increase jobs and investment at the American factories for export to China.

   A Chinese newspaper gets a different story. Motorola is telling the Chinese, we are going to invest another $2 billion in China once China enters the World Trade Organization, which would follow this permanent MFN vote, on top of the $1.1 billion that Motorola has already invested in Chinese production. So here is Motorola going to build a new factory to produce telecommunication products in China.


[Time: 10:15]

   Motorola did not export a single cell phone to the U.S. from China. Last year the U.S. imported almost $100 million in cell phones that were made in China, many with the Motorola brand. If Congress passes PNTR, Motorola could basically take these Chinese plants and use them as an export platform to disadvantage the American people, American jobs.

   Vote against PNTR.