VETERANS GROUPS OPPOSE PNTR -- (House of Representatives - May 17, 2000)

[Page: H3184]


   (Mr. WOLF asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

   Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, almost every day a new veterans group comes out against PNTR. The Military Order of the Purple Heart, chartered by Congress, said yesterday:

   ``Speaking as patriots and combat wounded veterans, we believe that granting PNTR status to China would relieve them from the current pressure caused by annual congressional review of their trade status.

   ``Today China represents the most dangerous of the emerging threats to U.S. national security.''

   It goes on to say, ``Many of America's combat wounded veterans sacrificed life and blood to repel Chinese aggression during the Korean conflict. Fifty years after that war, China remains an unabashedly communistic regime. It is time for China to change if she wishes to be a truly welcomed participant on the world's stage. It is also time for Congress and the administration to reflect upon the sacrifices of its combat wounded veterans and ensure that China will not once again become our enemy. In the view of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, this objective must be reached before PNTR status should be granted to China.''