
Electronic Industries Alliance Urges Congress to Swiftly Pass PNTR With China

Arlington, VA - Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) President Dave McCurdy released the following statement this morning following reports that President Clinton will send China-trade legislation to Congress today:

"Open trade with China - the single most promising emerging market in the world today - will play a critical role in keeping the U.S. economy moving forward and access to those one billion potential customers is the number one legislative priority for the U.S. electronics industry.

"On behalf of an industry that provides two million jobs for American workers, we urge Congress to leave partisan politics aside and swiftly grant permanent normal trade relations with China."

The Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) is a partnership of electronic and high-tech associations and companies committed to shared knowledge and shared influence. Comprised of more than 2,100 members, EIA represents 80 percent of the $550 billion U.S. electronics industry. EIA's sector associations and members represent consumer electronics, telecommunications, components, government electronics, semiconductor standards, as well as many other vital areas of the U.S. electronics industry.