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  Statement of
Daniel A. Seligman
Sierra Club's Responsible Trade Program May 23, 2000

Once again, the President and the pundits are putting a smiley face on the global corporate "free trade" agenda. The fight over permanent normal trade relations with China is like deja vu all over again.

The administration claims that by liberating our biggest corporations from any obligations to society China will see growth, jobs, democracy, and a clean environment.

Now this doesn't stand up to reason let alone experience.
Just take a look at the record of the so-called "free trade" agenda.

* The pundits said NAFTA wouldn't pollute. But a thousand more US factories now crowd our border with Mexico -- and these companies still don't obey Mexico's pollution laws.

* They said, the WTO was environment-friendly. But already, the WTO has ruled that clean air, safe food, and endangered species are all illegal barriers to trade.

Despite the record of broken promises, the President has now asked Congress to swallow another bitter trade deal loaded with goodies for big business, but bereft of any consideration for the environment, for working people, or for democratic values.

Permanent normal trade relations for China would:

* lock in the WTO's undemocratic dispute resolution because China has vowed to block WTO reform.

* deny us any leverage to protect the human rights of environmental leaders such as Peng Ming, the jailed leader of the China Development Union.

* empower China to thumb its nose at international environmental protections such as those for endangered species.

The pundits say this debate is about engagement vs. protectionism.

I say this debate is about democratic rights vs. corporate rule.

I know which side I'm on. I know which side you're on. And I know
which side the House will be on if it is left to vote its conscience tomorrow.

That's why we're going to keep on marching, and keep on fighting.


`Til we win the fight for fair trade, for working families, for the
environment, for our families, for our future.

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Sierra Club's Responsible Trade Campaign
Dan Seligman
408 C St., NE
Washington, DC 20002
202-547-1141(p)    202-547-6009(f)

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