International Brotherhood of Teamsters

January 12, 2000

Hoffa Notes Contradictions in Policy Statements

International Brotherhood of Teamsters General President James P. Hoffa today strongly criticized the Clinton administration’s most recent attempt to draw attention away from China’s record on human rights and labor abuses while simultaneously lobbying for permanent Normal Trade Relations (NTR) status for China.

"The Clinton administration is playing a game of smoke and mirrors," declared Hoffa. "They are doing everything possible to grant Communist China the undeserved privilege of permanent NTR while simultaneously speaking out against China’s human rights, environmental and labor abuses."

State Department spokesman James Rubin announced Tuesday that the United States would highlight China’s deteriorating human rights record with a resolution at the U.N. Commission on Human Rights in March. The remarks came one day after President Clinton vowed to fight for congressional approval to grant China permanent NTR status.

Rubin’s remarks were riddled with inconsistencies in regards to the merits of granting permanent NTR status to Communist China. "We engage with China to advance our national interest," Rubin stated. However, he went on to say, "China’s behavior is contrary to not only American principles, but the international recognized human rights interest."

"This deal represents the triumph of unbridled corporate greed over the values of America’s working families," Hoffa continued. "Mr. Rubin’s announcement highlights the continued contradictions of White House policies. If the Administration is truly concerned about protecting workers around the world, it would end the rhetoric and support annual renewal instead of permanent NTR."

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents more than 1.4 million working men and women throughout the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.