Fair Trade Battle Looms In Congress

WTO Battle First in Series of Teamster Actions

Jon Rabine saw the World Trade Organizations' (WTO) visit to Seattle as an opportunity. The Western Region Vice President was ready to capitalize on the chance to highlight labor and human rights abuses in front of an international audience. The results shook the world.

Descending on Seattle
More than 4,000 Teamsters led by General President James P. Hoffa recently descended upon Seattle to join our brothers and sisters in the labor movement for the largest labor rally in the U.S. in more than a decade.

In fact, nearly 40,000 labor demonstrators held a peaceful march through the streets of Seattle calling for the end of child labor, forced labor and prison labor.

Further, the marchers called for WTO delegates to negotiate livable wages, a safe working environment and adequate health and welfare protections for workers worldwide.

China Looms Ahead

The meeting was preceded by the announcement of a trade agreement between the U.S. and China allowing Chinese entry into the WTO. The agreement also calls for the U.S. to provide permanent Normal Trade Relations (NTR) for China.

The Teamsters are engaging in a grassroots effort to prevent Congress from granting permanent NTR status and hold China accountable for their worker abuses.

America should not give Communist China a free ride to destroy good-paying American jobs by exploiting their own citizens. Call Congress today and say "No to NTR for China."

Call or Write Congress Today!
No WTO for China
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-3121


VP GORE Warms up Overnite Strikers

Vice President Al Gore brings coffee to Overnite strikers in New Hampshire. The lengthy unfair labor practices strike continues to stifle Overnite business. All Teamsters are urged to support their brothers and sisters by joining strike lines and ambulatory picketing. 

(Photo courtesy of Manchester Union-Leader)



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