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Shaping the Future

With the holiday season upon us, now is the time to look back at the year to review our challenges and our achievements. And as we assess our past, it is also the opportunity for us to set our course for the future.

In 2000, Teamsters proved once again that we don't walk away from the tough fights. At UPS, we won a landmark arbitration that makes the company honor its obligations. We stood tall at Associated Wholesale Grocers and broke the company's lockout. We fought a difficult and uphill battle against PNTR for China. And at Overnite and our nation's ports we continue to support our brothers and sisters in their struggles for justice.

We know that good contracts build strong communities. When we win a battle - like the 11-week strike against Pepsi at Local 792 - it benefits not just the members who walked the picket line, but their neighbors and community.

It also benefits our children and our grandchildren. We are teaching our children that standing up for what is right is necessary. In fact, it is our duty as citizens to fight for dignity and respect.

There are many people who balk at the fight. They hide and place their confidence in the hands of employers. Management preys on this weakness by distributing promises like candy during organizing drives and quickly reneging if the workers lose the election. But management must be held accountable. As Teamsters we stand up and tackle the challenges that imperil working families.

The James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund embodies our spirit. While we work to care for our families today, we are also preparing for our children's tomorrows.

For more than three decades, the Teamsters have given $75,000 to deserving sons and daughters of members. The new memorial scholarship better equips Teamsters families to meet the rising cost of education.

Now in 2001, we have created a stand-alone, tax-exempt scholarship fund. It is a fund that will quadruple our annual awards. Instead of giving $75,000 to deserving Teamster children, we will provide $300,00 in scholarships.

And we're not stopping there. We are looking to build the fund even more, and reach out to students who are interested in attending trade schools.

My father would have been proud of the new scholarship fund, and he would be honored that the awards are given in his name. And I am proud of how much Teamsters nationwide have accomplished over the last year. Many challenges lie before us in the new millennium, but I am confident we can handle them, because united we will continue to win.

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