It's an ugly picture.

The U.S. State Department reported on February 25 that China's human rights record has "deteriorated markedly . . . as the government has intensified efforts to suppress dissent."

And Clinton Administration officials acknowledge that China has violated past trade agreements with the United States.

Nevertheless, some Washington politicians want to reward China's shameful record of broken trade promises and repeated fundamental human rights violations by granting China permanent normal trade relations status. That would strip the U.S. Congress of the power to review China's human rights record annually - and of any leverage to improve things.

The China trade deal abuses American workers, too. In 1999, the U.S. trade deficit with China soared to $68.7 billion. Now, a study by the Economic Policy Institute warns that if China enters the World Trade Organization, we could lose more than 600,000 jobs. That's more than all the hourly jobs at GM, Ford and DaimlerChrysler put together.

And it's not just lost jobs - the trade deal will put downward pressure on living standards and working conditions as well.

It's like NAFTA . . . only worse.

Is this what
America stands for?

Write or e-mail your Representative, and tell him or her to


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