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China PNTR, Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage

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On Friday, June 30th the House and Senate are expected to adjourn for the Independence Day recess period. They will reconvene on July 10th and will then have three weeks before Congress adjourns for the Democratic and Republican national conventions.

During the three weeks in July the House and Senate will have a hectic legislative schedule, as they struggle to complete action on a number of appropriations measures and other pending legislation. In addition, there are two priority UAW issues that may be considered by Congress.

Senate May Take Up China Trade Issue in July

Although so far GOP Senate Leader Trent Lott has been dragging his feet on scheduling a vote on legislation granting permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) to China, at this point it looks like he will bring up this bill towards the end of July. The UAW, the rest of the labor movement, and our allies in the environmental and human rights groups are continuing to fight against this trade measure. We are trying to educate Senators that the U.S.-China bilateral trade deal fails to include any provisions requiring China to recognize basic worker and human rights, or to protect American workers against import surges from China that would jeopardize thousands of jobs in this country. In addition, there are no effective measures to enforce the various commitments made by China in this trade deal. For all of these reasons, we are urging Senators to vote against the legislation granting PNTR to China.

Please take the time to contact your Senators on this priority issue. Urge them to stand up for worker and human rights and for American jobs by voting against the granting of PNTR to China.

Parties Battle Over Medicare Prescription Drug Issue

On June 28th the House passed a bill crafted by the GOP leadership that purports to give prescription drug coverage to senior citizens and the disabled. But this sham measure would only provide subsidies to insurance companies, without guaranteeing that the elderly and disabled would have access to affordable prescription drug coverage. The UAW and the rest of the labor movement strongly opposed the GOP bill, but it passed the House on a largely party line vote of 217-214.

Previously, on June 22nd, the Senate defeated a Democratic proposal to expand Medicare to guarantee affordable prescription drug coverage for the elderly and disabled. The vote was 53-44, and was once again largely along party lines.

Despite these set backs, the prescription drug issue remains one of the most hotly contested political issues. President Clinton has strongly criticized the House GOP proposal, and has promised to veto this measure should it reach his desk. House and Senate Democrats are continuing to press their proposals to expand Medicare to guarantee affordable prescription drug coverage for all seniors and disabled persons. They will be looking for additional opportunities to bring this issue to the House and Senate floors for votes during the coming weeks.

Please contact your Representative and Senators on this priority issue. Urge them to support proposals to add prescription drug coverage to Medicare, so that the elderly and disabled will be guaranteed affordable coverage. Tell them to reject phony proposals that simply give subsidies to private insurance companies, without guaranteeing affordable prescription drug coverage to seniors and disabled persons.

To telephone your Representative and/or Senators,
call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at:
(202) 224-3121
and ask for their offices.

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UAW Congressional Action Center
to help you easily create an email that’s sent directly to your representative and senators, even if you’re not sure of their names.

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